A very important aspect, which some of us unfortunately tend to overlook, is your financial state when buying a new cell phone. True, there have been numerous developments in communication sector, and all of us wish to keep ourselves updated with the changing trends. However, your budget is of immense importance, and buying a very expensive cell phone may not be a very good idea if you are on a tight budget. Sky certainly is the limit when it comes to buying handsets, and you can even have a phone that matches the color of your car! But again, it is best to stay within the confines of your budget when purchasing a cell phone.
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If you are looking to buy a high-end phone, you might consider getting into a contract with a network provider. A contract is typically valid for eighteen to twenty four months, and you will be required to pay monthly bills to your provider. These contracts not only offer a host of bundled features, but also give you the option to select amongst a variety of latest mobile phones, all at low, affordable costs.
You can either choose from a range of phones which offer monthly billing plans, or can go for a phone which is pre paid. A pre paid phone is one which requires you to purchase air time before you actually begin making calls. When you have used all your airtime, you must purchase additional air time to continue making calls from your phone.
One of the biggest differences between these two plans is the affect they have on the price of a cell phone. When opting for a monthly billing plan, you will be required to pay a relatively smaller amount for purchasing the handset. This is because you are bound by a contract with your provider, and will have to pay termination fees if you choose to end the contract before it naturally expires. The pre paid plan, on the other hand, will require you to purchase the handset initially, and thus may prove expensive. However, there are no termination fees in this case, and you are free to change your service provider whenever you want. Pre paid plans also make the best choices if you wish to control your spendings on your cell phone bill. Since you can only make calls when you have available air time, you are less likely to over spend more on your bills.
Robert is a technology blogger who loves to write on latest in technology. He recently reviewed few cell phone services company offering free service plans in US and found this website http://www.phoneservices.us/free-cell-phone-providers/safelink-wireless to be very usefull.
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This article is contributed by Robert and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India
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