Top 5 Car Games to Enjoy the Thrill of Speed

1. Need for Speed World – Electronic Arts (PC)
One can enjoy this game due to various features like police chase, car tuning, illegal street races and other fun elements available in the game. The graphics used are really excellent and you are sure to get an ultimate game play experience. However, few people feel that the game is too repetitive and therefore they do not get a sufficient thrill while playing it.

2. Colin McRae: Dirt2 – Code masters (PS3, PC, 360, Wii, DS, PSP)
In this game, you will again find Dirt2, however the legendary Colin McRae is absent as he died in 2007, due to helicopter crash. You can also find Dave Mirra, Ken Block, Tanner Foust and Travis Pastrana in the sequel. There are many different events like Trailblazer, Land raid and rush and Rally and Rally cross. Many people enjoy this, as they do not have to spend long hours to learn the tricks of the game. The game is also not too long and you can refresh yourself quickly.

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3. Gran Turismo 5 – Polyphony Digital (PS3)
You will find that this game provides a very realistic driving simulator, however due to several reasons the success of this game is limited.  One of the main reasons is the loading time, which is too long due old technology of the PS3. It is really painful to wait to see its loading. Other than that, the game is pretty good with wonderful graphics. Selection of car and their tracks are very attractive.

4. NFS: Hot Pursuit – Electronic Arts (PS3, PC, 360, Wii, iPhone)
This game is based on the fictional set up of SeacoastCounty, where participants can play many different races.  There can be an online competition between the players too. It is possible to see various statistics of the participants during the game. The cop chasing segment for over speeding is quite interesting. It is lots of fun to play this game with excellent graphics.

5. Burnout paradise – Electronic Arts (PS3, PC, 360)
You may feel like taking your car for a long drive whenever you are in depression, despair, pent up anger or just boredom. In such situations, you really do not have any fixed destination and you may like to wander all around the city or out of the city without any particular destination in mind. The places may be new to you, but may look mysteriously familiar.  With this kind of car driving game you can escape from the real world for some time. Although the game has certain technical flaws, you will surely have a lot of fun playing it. You can also relax and drive your car around the city.

Alex has written this article. I would like to invite you to my website to check out some of the free games for kids. We offer a lot of educational and puzzle games, which will help your children and improving their learning and memory skills. 

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Alex and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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