Home Automation: 5 Ways To Make Your House More Awesome Than Your Neighbor’s

Technology is helping us to do some awesome things, especially when it comes to modifying our homes. Home automation allows us to be safer, save money, help the environment, and be lazier. But let’s face it, one of the biggest draws of home automation is just how dang cool it looks. Whatever your reasons for wanting it, there is no denying that a house becomes automatically more awesome once it is spiffed up with all of the latest gadgets. Here are five ways to use home automation to make your house cooler than your neighbor’s.

1. Home Theater

There are a few ways in which the home theater has been done. Some want the movie theater feel, complete with popcorn makers and movie-style seating. Some go for comfort, with recliners or one giant couch or futon. But the most important this is the projector and surround sound.

If you are going to spend the money to create a home theater, you might as well fork out the big bucks for a good projector. Look into HD options. There are HD/3D projectors, but 3D is not for everybody, so don’t waste money on something that you may never use. As for surround sound, research it well, and make sure you get a good subwoofer – that’s what gives you that floor-shaking sound.

2. Outdoor Surround Sound

Now that you have surround sound in your house, how about having it in your yard? There is a whole range of speakers that are made specifically for outside use. They are durable and waterproof, so that you can use them all year round, and you can even get wireless ones so save the hassle of a lot of cables trailing through your yard. Your new outside surround sound is something that will really give your summer parties an edge!

3. Solar Power

Solar power is cool because of what it can do for your home. The amount of energy that solar panels will generate quickly pays for the cost of installing them. Alternatively, you can have them installed by an energy company and simply buy the energy that they generate from them. Either way, solar power is a cool way to save money and help the environment at the same time.

4. Smart Fridge

Samsung has just released a wifi-enabled smart fridge, complete with a touch screen and apps. Now when you get up in the morning you can check the weather as you grab the orange juice from the fridge. Run out of something? No problem, type it into your shopping list and later on in the grocery store, just whip out your smartphone and look it up. If that isn’t a cool thing to show your friends, I don’t know what is.

5. Ultimate iPhone Control

One of the coolest things about home automation is that you can now control everything with one device in the palm of your hand. And it is a remote control that you bring with you wherever you are. By linking all of your home technologies together, and connecting them to your smartphone, you can control things such as your door lock, your security features, your lights and more, from wherever you happen to be in your house, city, country, or the world. Now that’s something to show your friends.

About the Author: Lindsey Patterson is a freelance writer who specializes in home improvements involving home automation.  She is currently acting as a consultant to Vivint.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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