What To Do If Your Network Has A Virus

If you run a business or if you have multiple computers at home for more than one user, you probably have them all running on a network that keeps them connected to the internet at all times and also makes it easier to share files between computers. But when a virus strikes, panic may set in and you may not know what to do to keep it from damaging every computer on the network.

In order to know what to do if a virus attacks your network of computers, whether it’s at work or at home, read on to learn the steps you need to take to ensure that the virus will be removed with the least amount of damage incurred by the computers themselves, as well as your network on a whole.

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1. Install an Anti-Virus Program and Keep It Updated
Your first line of defense against viruses comes from installing a reputable anti-virus software program that you know works well at identifying even the newest viruses and other types of malware that infect computer systems worldwide every day. But it’s not enough to install the software and the firewall that comes along with it because you also have to make sure you perform all necessary software updates and then purchase renewal subscriptions once your current subscription expires. This will ensure that you’ll always be running the most up-to-date form of the software and that you’ll never skip a day of protection from viruses.

Installing anti-virus software on one computer on your network will not ensure that the rest of the computers on the network will be covered. You usually have to install the software on each individual computer. This may cost you quite a bit of money, but it’s worth it to keep your system safe from viruses, especially if you run a business.

2. If You Get a Virus, Try to Identify It
In the event your computer or network is infected by a virus, you have to try to identify the type of virus you have, and your anti-virus software may be able to help you with this or you may have to search the internet for help. Once you realize what the virus is, you will have the best idea of how to get rid of it and what you can expect from it.

3. Scan and Quarantine
Scan every computer on your network using your anti-virus software, which may be able to find and remove the virus before it causes major issues. This will also help you at least determine which computers on the network are actually infected. Once you figure out which computers are infected, quarantine them by removing them from the network. If the virus is in the network, disable the network to keep the virus from spreading to outsiders.

4. Remove the Virus
If the anti-virus software can’t do it, you’ll have to remove the virus manually by changing registry settings or re installing a part, or all, of the operating system. Do this for all infected machines before getting them back on the network. If you need help removing the virus off the network, contact an IT specialist.

Lois Grant is a renowned author and expert in all things IT and technology related. She often recommends that her clients visit IT support sites when experiencing problems as these can be a fast and effective way of solving your IT issues. Lois often recommends one site in particular; itsupportlondon.org.uk.

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Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Lois Grant and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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