Tips and Tricks You Must Know Before Buying Mobile Phone

There are
certain factors one must consider before buying a mobile phone. Because of the
hidden things involved, it is better that one takes time to study these tricks
before paying for the phone. The first trick one should know is that it is
better and cheaper to buy from the internet dealers. The internet is the
popular choice for cell phone buyers because different makes are available
online. Various types such as refurbished, new as well as used phones are
available on the internet. 

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One only needs to review the various makes and make
a choice. One would always make a good deal online because it is cheaper. The
internet merchants do not have bills to settle unlike offline merchants who
have many workers to pay at the end of the month. Many reputable dealers are
selling the product online.
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Another thing to consider is to purchase a contract phone. The contract phone
always has a free line rental that accompanies it. This is better than
purchasing the pay as go palaver. There would be a free phone as well as free
connection. This way one would not have problems with hmrc tax credits.
Furthermore, it is advisable to claim the cash back offer. Many phone buyers
make the mistake of ignoring it. Sometimes free line rentals are offered as
cash back. The form has to be filled and sent to the phone merchant together
with a copy of your bill. The advantage is that some of the merchants could
spread the cash back so that it would cover the contract terms. Those who do
not want to split the cash back to cover the term of the phone contract could
get the cash back at once. The issue of cash back is very important, it should
not be neglected.

Another important trick phone buyer must consider is that it is better to
purchase SIM free from online merchants like EBay. One is always sure of their
product because there is nothing like fraud or paying more than the actual
price. When one wants to buy phones on EBay he needs to be careful. One must
not deal with bidders with 0 feedback  It is better to bid when there are
experienced bidders. A secret that has worked with most EBay bidders is that
they always bid towards the end of the exercise. This way one would be sure of
avoiding an artificial increase in prices.

Another mistake that people make is that they often forget to upgrade to
another network provider after the expiration of their contract. The normal
thing is that after the expiration of the minimum contract, the network carrier
would remind the phone users. Most of them do not do this because of the extra
cost to them. They would be required to issue the customer with a replacement
mobile phone. Most people after the expiration of the minimum contract do upgrade
to another service provider.
Finally, it is better to shop properly when one wants to purchase a mobile
phone so that he would not be cheated. Many people buy in haste and lose lots
of money in the process. Any person who wants to purchase a mobile phone should
exercise patience and visit several websites and compare their prices. This way
one would be sure of making a good deal.
Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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