3 Ways iPhone Changed Everything

Whether you like to admit it or not, we play on our iPhones. I don’t just mean we play on our phones to get on Facebook, texting, and taking notes… I mean we PLAY on our phones. We make it pretty hardcore. I would have never guessed that when Steve jobs announced the iPhone more than 5 years ago, we would be going crazy over some of these games. I can totally understand that we could have called games being super fun, but then people getting THIS addicting?To where they are even spending money weekly just to keep playing with in-app purchases? That’s crazy! That is only one of the ways that iPhone’s changed the game for all technology. Here are some other ways that iPhones have changed the standard for America & the rest of the world.

SEE ALSO: What’s The Best Phone Going To Be In 2013?


Education in America has honestly never been worse; we are so down on the charts compared to other countries that it honestly gets a little scary. America used to be one of the best countries if not the best in the world when it came to education! Before I get into a fired up rant about the government & education, I will reel it back in…

Thankfully companies like Apple, Evernote, & Khan Academy wont let that keep happening. The last I heard from Apple, they were teaming up with some of the best companies in the world to do one thing: Educate the children of today for a better future tomorrow. There is a whole section of the App store that is tailored specifically to children (not just games) but actually writing, reading, math, and other skills that children NEED to know other than how to till green pigs because they stole eggs.


Remember when you had to buy a 3,000 dollar camera to be a professional photographer? Well that has all changed. Obviously there are still some fantastic photographers out there that use some really pro cameras and their stuff is exactly what you would expect from a guy that has spent thousands into photography gear, BUT when it comes to editing; most of it can be done on the phone.

I even know a couple of photographers that take pictures on their high end cameras and then bring it over to the iPhone and iPad so that it can all be edited in a much easier environment! So take that you rackets/softwares that cost an absurd amount.


I absolutely love when technology changes the game in ANY industry. I especially love it when it replaces dated technologies. I have installed a “nest” in my home to replace the thermostat already there because I hated that I had to get up or even be at me home. Not fun at all.

I then checked out a McKinney home security company that did the exact same thing that the nest did, but even through in some extra’s for free like locking doors from my iPhone! That’s crazy! I called my parents in Baytown and told them to check out their Baytown home security company to see if they could switch too. Guess what, they did!

Thank you Steve Jobs for changing so much about the world that we live in!

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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