7 Effective Ways to Improve Email Click through Rate

Yes, there are several benefits associated with email marketing, but it’s
often quite difficult to move in the right direction. It takes a lot to make
people open your emails, and sometimes, it’s even difficult to make your emails
pass through Spam filters. All your efforts will go down the drain if your
recipients don’t receive the email or don’t feel excited to have a look at it.
And even if you are able to overcome these two hurdles, you will have to deal
with another one – that is to make people click the link to improve your
click-through rate.
SEE ALSO: Tips And Tricks To Increase Email Deliverability

Here are a few tips to help you ensure that your emails don’t land in the
junk folder, your target audience opens your emails, and they click your links.
It is worth mentioning that the tips you will find in this article are not
about the marketing techniques you should use to persuade your recipients –
they are more about making people feel comfortable about checking your emails.Make your subject line a bit intriguing. You will lose

your customers if you don’t pay sufficient attention to writing an attractive
and somewhat intriguing subject line. People would only get to read the subject
line, and if it doesn’t impress them, there is no way to make them open it up.
You should also bear in mind that you should go for any strong selling
technique – it often scares people off, who in turn leave your mail unopened.
You have to work on giving them a gentle reason to see what’s in your email. To
get a good idea of how to proceed, go have a look at emails lying in your junk
folder. This will help you understand the things you should avoid or use in
your emails to give people a reason to open it.
·Avoid using your recipient’s name if you’re not sure of
it. While it is a good idea to use the name of your recipient, as it gives a
personalize feel to your emails, you should not use this method unless you are
sure the recipient has provided you with their original name. The thing is that
many people use fake names when they sign up for different newsletters, but on
the next day, they completely forget about the name they used. That’s why they
often take such messages as spam. So, be very careful about the whole thing.
·Make people subscribe for your service. It is important
because it makes people understand that they will get emails from you.
Moreover, if someone agrees on receiving your emails, it keeps you from
breaking the law (now how good does that feel?). The important thing is that
people would remember signing up to your newsletters when they receive your
message, and even if your email lands in the junk folder, they know it’s not
·Ask people to verify their email addresses. It is of
immense importance to make people confirm their email address by clicking a link.
Sometimes, people want a piece of information and they don’t mind signing up to
get it. However, to make your email marketing work, you should always have
those people confirm their email addresses after signing up for your
newsletters. It may also help you keep your messages from landing in the spam
folder – those people would change their settings if they see your first mail
landing in the junk folder.
·Don’t use keywords and phrases that make it difficult to
pass through the junk mail filter. For this, you should avoid using words
“sex”, “money” or other similar words every other spammer
is using. Moreover, you might get your email flagged if it comes with so many
pictures and a little text in it. So, avoid these tactics to run your email
marketing campaign more effectively.
·Design your email sensibly. It is true that an email full
of images looks attractive, but it also takes a lot of time to load. Your
recipients are already quite skeptical about opening your emails, and if they
have to wait to see what’s in it, there will leave it and even tag it as spam.
Sometimes, people simply don’t have time to wait until your email loads
completely; on other occasions, they think an email is taking time because it’s
a virus. So, always keep this in mind to keep your customers from clicking off
your email.

Avoid adding too much media content. This is another common mistake being made by most email marketers. You need to keep in mind that if you use too many images, videos or other media content in your email, it may be considered as a spam message. Even if your recipients see it, most email services block that content and ask user’s permission to unblock it.

This will make your recipients suspicious about the credibility of your email and they will never open it again. So, always try to maintain a balance between text and media content – it will help people see what your email is about, even if a few items are blocked.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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