Follow These 5 Tips To Create Better Content Productivity Within Your Business

Creativity is what infuses life into a particular project, environment or person for that matter. And as very aptly spoken by John Cleese – “Creativity is not a talent but a way of operating”. You know you have done something out of the box when your business starts selling. Creative content is an amazing tool that hits the right notes and engraves the brand message and vision into the people’s minds. Let’s look at why having a creative content is so important for a business.SEE ALSO: Learn How To Promote Your Post Once You Click The Publish Button

Image Credit: codenameprogress

Benefits Of Creative Content
·   Enhances productivity of the business

·   Opens new dimensions within the mind of the entrepreneur

·   Connects with customers and potential customers in a better way. Establishes an emotional bond with them.

·   Enables your business to shine in multiple lights, with respect to each aspect of your business

·   Leads to different PR pegs

·   Augments the business revenue and leads in a significant manner

Creativity In Content Should Be Purpose Driven
·   The primary question you should be asking yourself is whether your content is increasing sales of your business? Or is it generating enough leads? If the answer comes as a “yes”, it means your creativity is directed towards a purpose. While if the answer comes as a “no”, it means perhaps, you need to mend your ways and harness the direction into which creativity is driving the content of your business.

·    Advertising legend David Ogilvy famously once said, “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative”. This is a statement that holds so true, today and since earlier times for every business. It is crucial that your business content is able to evoke awareness about your brand, established the credibility of it.

·    By keeping an aim to create purpose driven content for your business, you ensure that your team has a target, which in turn would make them work more aggressively towards achieving them.

Move Out
·    It is very difficult to keep coming up with creative ideas if we are fenced in the same room, with the same atmosphere and the same kind of people and sounds.

·     Organize meetings and brainstorming sessions with your team in a park, coffee shop or a beach at least twice or thrice a month, in order to keep their creative juices flowing.

·     When you do not allow your mind to wander, it stops creating ideas after a period of time. It is humanly not possible to write a creative content if you are not living a life.

·      Myriad inspirational ideas can be drawn from your everyday life itself, be it a man running his own tiny grocery store, a child playing with his mother, a beautiful garden, gurgling waves of the ocean or a college going girl working part time in a coffee house.

Pay Attention To The “Creative Team”
·      Have you ever bothered to review who your creative team comprises of? You have to have the knack for sensing and recognizing creativity in people.

·      The employees that are a part of the technology team should not be pulled into producing content for your business. While ideas should be welcome, always remember that one size does not fit all.

·      Engaging a person who is not meant for creative jobs will not only sabotage the results for your business, but would also affect his talent and potential adversely.

·     Ensure that you hire people brimming with creativity. Keep a high level writing test as part of the interview process. Even during their course of   working, ask them to submit a creative writing piece on a topic picked by them.

Encourage the Use Of Visuals and Info-graphics
·    The content of your business must be presented I the best light in front of your customers. This means that not only should it be authentic and high quality, but also reader friendly. In no time will your target audience shun the content, if they have a hard time relating to it.

·    Convey your articles, information and updates through audio-visuals, info-graphics and charts. You can email the same to your customers or  post it everyday on your social media page.

·    The content with captivating visuals is bound to leave a long lasting impression on people’s minds.

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Review Old Content
·    The content which has been a year old should always be reviewed. Chances are that you are bound to find areas of improvement every time you go through it.

·     Make it a point to review the old content on your website, product descriptions, offers and deals and social media pages. Also stay updated on what your competitors are coming up with.

·    This exercise would refresh your minds and help you figure out ways in which you could make your content more creative and exciting that would entice customers and increase business revenue.

Make Room For Mistakes
·     While treading on the path of creativity, there would always be a large scope of making mistakes. At times, the trial and error approach paves way to one of the most creative solutions for a problem.

·     Here is what Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, once said on the significance of creativity in producing results that stand out – “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep”.

·    Try new ways to present the content of your website. Do not try to fit into a mould, especially because your competitors are doing it. Why should you try to fit in when you were born to stand out? Allow yourself and your employees think innovatively, without having the fear to be judged or ridiculed. A brilliant usually strikes when we stop running into brick walls within our own minds.

SEE ALSO: Tips You Can Employ When Writing Your Meta Descriptions

Customer Feedback & Suggestions
To find out whether your content is being considered as creative and influential is very important. And taking customer feedback is the best way to do it. Make phone calls to loyal customers, email surveys to them for feedback, ask them their preferred type of content-video, audio, text, colored or black & white etc. This step will go a long way in enhancing creativity of your content and also strengthening your relationship with them.

What Kills Creativity?

·   Biting off more than you can chew. Saying yes to every project that comes your way.

·   Pushing employees to create content quickly. This would hinder them to create that unique content which you hope.

·   Rushing through deadlines due to time constraints

·   Keeping a closed and judgmental atmosphere at work

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Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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