5 Benefits of Blogging for Students


This generation’s students are really lucky to have everything on the tip of their fingers. The information they need is almost spoon-fed with the advent of the internet. We all know that the rent is a powerful tool for people, most especially students, to access information and share it as well. One of the things that make the internet popular is that it let people express their views, ideas, and comments and even debate with other on the round around.

In line with this, blogging has been for both old and young adults. They found the right medium for their regressive mind. Most of the minds today are owned by professionals like writers. But blogging can be beneficial for students too for not just an online diary for their frustrations and hopes but also serves as an essential tool for their education.

I always believe that students should also have a space in the world wide on to share their work and well, reflect on the results of the writing they do. Blogging can be an online learning portfolio. Showcasing the best stuff of the students.

Below are the benefits of blogging for students:

1. A FORM OF REFLECTION – Blogging can help a student to reflect on the things he/she did for the day. Actually, it is not every day that we actually reflect on things we have learned for the past few weeks, or months. It is not sufficient that we just put the information inside our minds. We need to take our time to reflect on what we have learned and how we will make it useful to us and to other people as well.

If people find your blog really interesting and useful, they would try their best to connect with you. You can learn from the comments or feedback they put on your work. You can also gain pieces of advice from other people.. Blogging is a two-way street.

SEE ALSO: 7 Ways Blogging Can Change Your Life For Better

2. INCREASING THE LITERACY RATE WITH DIFFERENT MEDIUMS –  In blogging, students will find it easier to write and share their ideas. But blogging is not only about writing. If they are musically inclined, they can share their new mixed song or their singing talent through SoundCloud. If they do a nice slide presentation, they can share on SlideShare. A bunch of great photos can be shared through Flicker. As you can see, blogging offers different opportunities for sharing ideas.

3. THE VOICE OF THE STUDENTS – It is not necessary that students should only write education stuff. Their blogs should also contain learning related. They can actually share the things they are passionate about, their dreams, how they work on certain things, their views on social issues and the way they handle their emotions.

4. A LEARNING ARCHIVE – You can always go back to where you started. Blogging can help you see the progress you have made over the days, months or even years. You can look back and point out the mistakes you have made. What’s good good about blogging is that you can make a proper adjustments and will help you to assess carefully the things you want to settle down.

5. A POSITIVE DIGITAL FOOTPRINT – Students’ blogs can be a portfolio of their work. When they graduate, they can use their blog to show to their future employers about what they did and the things they learned over the years. Their blog is a reflection of their personality.

SEE ALSO: Tips for the New Business Blogger

Blogging is not a favourite thing for students but I think, they should create space for their reference in the future. Teachers should encourage students to this.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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