How to Invite Other Top Pinners to Add Pins on Your Pinterest Board

Pinterest is one of the top and very popular social network site on the internet with more than 25 billion pins to explore. No doubt that pinterest is one of the best place to get more exposure and it could easily boost your post on the network. And i know that, pinterest can drive lot more traffic to your website than any other social network can do.

Usually people simply creates an account on pinterest and start pinning on their board. But there is a great ways you can use pinterest to find your self as brand, Now how you will do that? If you really want to grow your pinterest followers list and your pins very fast on your board, then there is an option, you can invite other top pinners to add pins on your own board. So it will help you to grow your network on the board very fast. If you haven’t heard and used this before then must give it a try.
How to Invite Top Pinners to Add Pins on Your Pinterest Board
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To know how you can invite other pinners on your pinterest board, Just follow the steps below.
1- Log in to your pinterest account 
2- Now click on Categories on the top left side of the page
3- Now click ‘Popular’ so it will find popular boards on pinterest 
Now, try to look for some top and popular boards in your niche, with lots of repines and likes. After getting some popular boards just follow them and get back to your profile.

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4- Now on your profile just open any of your board, for which you want to invite other pinners to add pins. 
5- Now Edit that board, and on the fifth option you will see an option like (Who Can Add PinS?). 
6- Just enter the name of other pinners to make an invite, Remember, you have to follow other pinners before you can invite them on your board. After inter the name just click the invite button or click the user to invite and you are done.

Using this way you can invite other pinners to add pins on your own board. So it will increase number of pins very fast and also your board will get some top popular pins from top pinners. By inviting others to pin on your own board can easily make your board very popular.

Leave us your comments or ask anything you want.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is written and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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