Fortnite v8.10 Update Brings New Baller Vehicle, Free Vending Machines and Patch Notes

Baller Vehicle, Free Vending Machines

As expected and leaked previously. The Epic Games today releases the latest Fortnite patch update v8.10 for players. The latest update as it most notable additions brings the new Baller Vehicle, which we have talked about in our previous post. The Baller Vehicle is a single-seat vehicle which looks a lot like a rolling ball. There is also a Grappler attached to the front which players can use roll through the map.

The latest v8.10 Fortnite update also adds a new Free Vending Machines which can be used to get a free weapon whenever you need. Previously, players need to pay for items out of the Vending Machine using materials they had collected around the map.

But this is no longer the case, now the Vending Machine will drop the weapon (only one a time) for free, but the catch is here is that players will have to take the weapon they want before the Vending Machine disappears.

Below you can find the full patch notes of the Fortnite v8.10 Update.

Weapons Items

  • Baller
    • This single-seat vehicle is found at Expedition Outposts and around pirate camp loot stashes
    • Use the attached Grappler and Boost functionality to pull yourself up cliffs or swing through the trees
    • The driver is protected from damage, but The Baller is vulnerable to enemy weapon fire.
    • 300 Health
  • Infantry Rifle
    • Removed Common rarity
  • Heavy Assault Rifle
    • Adjusted rarity from Rare/Epic/Legendary to Common/Uncommon/Rare
    • Base damage scaling for Common/Uncommon/Rare 36/38/40
  • Clingers
    • Reduced max stack size from 10 to 6.
  • Vending Machines
    • Removed the material cost.
    • Each Vending Machine will be destroyed after claiming an item.
    • Common and Uncommon Vending Machines have been removed.
    • Removed Mounted Turret from Legendary Vending Machine
  • Reduced availability of Treasure Maps from floor loot .53% to .27%.
  • Reduced availability of Treasure Maps from chest loot 3.25% to 1.65%.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rocket smoke trails disappearing instantly on explosion.
  • Fixed an issue where the popping audio for Balloons would continue to play after using Balloons to get to max build height while using a vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue where Buried Treasure would not auto pickup when the Auto Pickup Weapons setting was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where Buried Treasure chests could be placed on the Starting Island.
  • Fixed an issue where using an Impulse Grenade or a Shockwave Grenade while jumping on a Hoverboard causes the player to rapidly rotate.


  • Battle Royale Crossplay Matchmaking
    • Combined Xbox One and PS4 pools.
      • This requires you to opt-in to cross-play.
      • Players opt-ing out are restricted to Creative Mode and Playgrounds.
    • Combined Mobile and Switch pools.
      • Before, Switch players were combined with Xbox One and PS4 cross-play parties.
      • We expect an on-average better per-game experience for both Mobile and Switch players.
    • The motivating factor is unlocking optimization potential allowing us to run more playlists during more hours of the day while supporting more data center locations. Please provide us with feedback on your experience!
  • Reduced infinite dab duration from 12 hours to 11 hours in the front end
  • Just kidding, Increased Infinite dab duration from 12 hours to 13 hours in the front end
  • Elimination credit is now awarded to the last damager in cases of logging out, self-elimination, and eliminations due to Storm Damage. Current threshold timer is 15 seconds.
  • Added visual effects for the siphon on elimination.
  • Players can now build as soon as they impact anything after being launched by a Pirate Cannon
  • Players can dance while holding a balloon
  • Added Pirate Cannon’s audio visualizer HUD icon to be a cannon.
  • Players automatically enter the driver seat when entering an empty vehicle.
  • Added custom consume animations for the following items:
    • Bandages
    • Medkit
    • Small Shield Potion
    • Shield Potion
    • Slurp Juice
    • Chug Jug

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Pirate Cannon collision that would block bullets for a passenger inside of the cannon
  • Fixed Pirate Cannon not being able to shoot when moving backwards
  • Fixed an issue where a player may lose functionality when shooting themselves out of a Pirate Cannon.
  • Fixed Pirate Cannon player impact explosion effects sometimes being delayed
  • Fixed an issue where Pirate Cannons flipped onto their side, sliding across the ground for too long
  • Fixed Pirate Cannons dealing damage to itself if fired in close quarters
  • Fixed an issue where players wouldn’t break through structures when fired from Pirate Cannons at close range
  • Traps are no longer triggered by vehicles that are empty or carrying only friendly players.
  • Fixed an issue in extreme camera flicking situations that would cause an incorrect first shot when firing weapons.
  • Fixed an issue with the Conga emote not respecting environmental surfaces like Lava
  • Fixed an issue where a player may briefly stop their skydiving animation unexpectedly
  • Fixed an issue allowing emote-cancelling during door open/close animations.
  • Fixed players holding Buried Treasure map upside down
  • Fixed an issue where pressing Build and Edit buttons in quick succession would enter edit mode on the blueprint piece instead of build the structure.
  • Driftboards no longer explode when exiting one near a Mounted Turret.
  • Fixed PS4 players being unable to adjust mouse sensitivity.
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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