Dota Underlords Balance Update Tweaks Game Board Lighting and Shadow, PC/Mobile Optimisation and More

Dota Underlords

Last week Valve released the beta of its newest strategy game Dota Underlords on Android, iOS, and PC via Steam. The game received its first update earlier this month which brought several fixes to the game including, a fix for some Shop Portraits missing (Tiny, Slark), crash after leaving a game and where reconnect sometimes was not working, etc. Now, Dota Underlords has received a new balance update which according to the patch notes brings adjustments to the game board: Lighting and Shadow intensity tweaks, several performance optimizations to both mobile and PC version of the game.

The update also brings several other fixes, including storage space calculation when downloading content on mobile. Furthermore, the latest Dota Underlords balance update also fixes ‘Australia’ mode where some Android devices rendered the game upside down. The patch note also brings several changes to Dragon Knight. Check out the full Dota Underlords balance update patch notes below.

Dota Underlords Balance Update Patch Notes (06.25.2019)

  • Adjustment to the game board: Lighting and Shadow intensity tweaks.
  • Sounds from combat occurring on other player’s boards can now be heard from yours.
  • New opponent selection logic: This addresses the community feedback of fighting the same opponents over and over.
  • PC/Mobile: Many performance optimizations.
  • Mobile: Fixed storage space calculation when downloading content.
  • Fixed unit stats not reflecting all items and equipment when querying before combat started.
  • Fixed friendly AI not casting spells after Pudge hooked an enemy.
  • Troll Global Item (Coordinated Assault): Now stacks.
  • AI will now cast spells on the ground under a target instead of on the target’s location. Fixes floating Spells if the target happened to be flying through the air.
  • Dragon Alliance: Now requires 2 units.
  • Dragon Alliance: Now Unlocks an additional ability for each member of the Alliance.
  • Dragon Knight: Breathe Fire is now his base ability.
  • Dragon Knight: Dragon Alliance now unlocks Dragon Form.
  • Dragon Knight: Hit Points increased to 1000/2000/4000.
  • Dragon Knight: Gained +10 Health Regeneration.
  • Puck: Dragon Alliance now unlocks Phase Shift.
  • Viper: Dragon Alliance now unlocks Corrosive Skin.
  • Pocket Sand: Now also slows mana gained on receiving damage by 50%.
  • Pocket Sand: Will debuff a random enemy unit within 2 cells if no units are within 1 cell of the assassin landing.
  • Keeper of the Light: Illuminate now costs 150 mana.
  • Keeper of the Light: Health decreased to 550/1100/2200.
  • Desperate Measure: Now also increases mana gained on receiving/dealing damage by the same amount as attack damage.
  • Wicked Intent: Now also blocks HP regen.
  • Scrappy Alliance: Now provides 8 armor and 9 health regeneration. It provides double that amount if your starting army is smaller in size than your opponent’s.
  • Knight Alliance: Now gives a constant 15/25/35% damage reduction and an additional 20/25/30% when next to another knight.
  • Chaos Knight: Damage Increased from [40-110, 80-220, 160-440] to [55-135, 110-240, 200-480].
  • Boots of Speed: Now Tranquil Boots. Passive +16 health regen and 100% bonus move speed.
  • New Item – Pipe of Insight: +50% Magic Resistance. Once the first enemy has 100% mana, apply a shield that blocks 400 magic damage to allies up to 1 cell away. (once per battle)
  • Mobile: Fixed ‘Australia’ mode – Some Android devices rendered the game upside down, and that has been fixed.

Dota Underlords is a new strategy game which takes on Vale’s Dota Auto Chess. The game is now available on PC via Steam, Android, and iOS for free.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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