Here is a Potential Fix for World War Z PC Crash Issue

World War Z

Soon after the latest World War Z Crossplay update released earlier this week for PC and Xbox One. Several user started reporting about numerous issues with the new crossplay update including crashes over Xbox One and no voice issues. Some players also reported a crash in the lobby in matchmaking and crossplay connectivity. Saber Interactive addressed these issues players ware having by releasing a hotfix update on March 26 to fix the reported issues.

But now it seems like some PC players are still facing a crash on startup on their PC. Thanks fully, the developer has also addressed this and have shared a potential fix for the game crash on startup issue on PC. It appears that the crash issue on the PC is related to some PC players who have the Image Sharpening feature enabled.

The developer via its World War Z official Twitter account noted that disabling the Image Sharpening from the NVIDIA Control Panel could potentially fix World War Z crashing issue on PC. So, if the game is also crashing on your PC and you have the Image Sharpening feature enabled then you can try disabling it now and check if it works for you.

Notably, Nvidia has also shared the latest GeForce Hotfix display driver version 445.78 update to address this issue. Below you can find the latest GeForce Hotfix display driver version 445.78 update changelog.

GeForce Hotfix display driver version 445.78 addresses the following:

  • Some DirectX 11 games may fail to launch when Image Sharpening is enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel

If you have an Nvidia graphics card running on your PC and also getting the crash then you can download the latest driver from Nvidia’s website here which could potentially fix the issue.

Fix for Crashing Issue for PCs Running with MAD Graphics Card 

Also, if you are playing World War Z on your PC with an AMD graphics card and having the same crash issue then you can read our previous post which explains how to fix the World War Z PC launch and crash issue using AMD Cleanup Utility.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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