PS5 Rest Mode Causes Consoles to Crash

PS5 Crash

The PS5 did not come onto the market without flaws. Among other things, the rest mode causes the new Sony console to crash. Sometimes the game progress can be destroyed. An upcoming PS5 firmware update should fix it.

The PS5 was launched in the US, Japan and other countries last week. And as with the Xbox Series X, the first players are reporting bugs that have to be eliminated with firmware updates. This includes a very nasty bug that affects the rest mode of PS5.

In the past few days, numerous PS5 owners, including several GameSpot employees, have reported that the console’s rest mode causes a number of technical problems. These include persistent crashes and unusable saves.

Many of the PS5 owners afflicted by this problem have been forced to rebuild their console’s database. Such steps are also necessary if the system is accidentally disconnected from the mains or if there is a power failure.

Some of these problems came up while using Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which led James Stevenson of Insomniac Games to say that the developers wanted to investigate the problem. But the problem was also recorded with games like Demon’s Souls and Godfall.

Other Twitter users face similar problems: “Quick note on the PS5. Apparently, sleep mode makes the system unreliable and rando crash. Had Godfall crash the system 3 times within in the span of an hour. The fix, give a fresh restart from the main menu and then don’t let it go into sleep mode until it’s patched.”

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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