Get Notified Instantly – Transactional SMS

Transactional SMS

This generation lives in an evolved society, where people no longer need to file their bills, set reminders, or even visit a store to purchase any product. Anyone can access anything from anywhere in no time.

Many gadgets, technologies, software, applications have made life effortless. Managing bills, bank accounts, transactions have always taken up our time and energy. Many find it difficult to trace the amount we spend on different purchases.

Transactional SMS informs each individual of all the details of the money spent on various mediums. Everyone is running errands in daily life, and this service makes life simpler and traceable.

Transactional SMS is a service used by all products or service providers. It notifies consumers with information regarding orders, payments, OTPs, account details, discounts, and so on. This is a highly secure and dependable service.

It also provides quantitative reach to the products. Every individual will receive notifications in less than 3 minutes, and this service reduces the risks of spam from unknown numbers.


Transactional SMS is used by almost all business organizations, banks worldwide, online merchants, and many more. This ensures the information shared is unaltered.

It helps consumers to maintain their transactional history accordingly. This service has been employed in various sectors, let’s take a closer look at it.


Many people receive details of our credit, debit, account balance in the registered mobile number. The transactions one makes with cards or in the bank will be notified within a few minutes on our mobiles.

It also informs customers in case of any unauthorized entry into your accounts. All these types of Transactional SMSes are collected separately in messages. Just by sending a message, one can get to know about the remaining balance in our accounts.


Many people these days prefer online shopping rather than visiting a real shop. According to statistics, as the traffic online is heightened, it leads to many fraudulent activities. An ethical online site will always have a transactional SMS facility, E-mails, etc.

Once your order is placed, details regarding the purchase and delivery time will be shared with the subscribed mobile number via SMS or Mail. They also update the customer with the dispatch schedule, shipment, date of delivery, etc.

It also facilitates a link to track one’s order. It avoids customers from frequently calling to enquire about their order.

Once a buyer shops at a store, information on sales, discounts, offers will be sent to their numbers. Interested people can avail those offers in stores showing the message received or code if any. Online dealers use this strategy by attaching direct links to their websites.


All the networks like Airtel, Jio, Aircel, Vodafone, etc., use this service to remind their customers of recharge due dates and special offers. It also notifies the consumption of data daily. It prevents customers from over usage of daily data.


OTP – It is an abbreviated term meaning One Time Password. To sign up for any application, OTP plays a significant role. Once logged in with a registered mobile number, OTP offers absolute configuration, and one should not share OTP with others to ensure privacy.

All applications, including Instagram, Linked In, WhatsApp, Facebook, Amazon, etc., use it. If users forget the password, it can be reset using the OTP sent again to your device. Banking applications also use these SMS, OTP services.


This service is completely programmed and customized accordingly to Business Management. The information delivered is authenticated.

  • Availability: This service is available 24/7 and delivered without any interference of fraud or manipulation. These are also monitored continuously, and any form of problems, errors are rectified immediately.
  • Security: This service is accredited with ISO (International Organisation Of Standardization) 27001 certification. This assures comprehensive data, information security.
  • Reliability: Many businesses have already started functioning with this facility. It increases and welcomes profit to the company as per records. It is highly beneficial to both dealers and customers.


  • It can even formulate bulk messages and deliver them at the same time.
  • It is credible and increases customer rates.
  • It provides outstanding security configurations.
  • Any security breaches in your social media profiles, bank accounts are notified instantly.
  • It can even be sent to mobiles in DND (Do Not Disturb) mode.

There are also other types of services similar to this facility. Promotional SMS is purely used for marketing and sales. Any firm can send in a message attaching their deals and links to promote various products available in the market.

One can increase the reach of a newly launched product using this service. This service has a specific time limit and cannot be sent to DND-administered mobiles. Transactional SMS has more added features comparatively.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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