Hacks to Speed Up Internet

Image: Pexels

A consistent internet connection has become an absolute necessity these days. A consistent internet connection is essential for work from home, online browsing, or online classes. If you face speed lag issues, you can never fully concentrate on your work or learning process. Users often face internet outages or speed issues and they’re completely clueless about what they should do in that case.

Choose your ISP wisely

You must do your research before choosing an ISP for your home. For instance, customer service should be a parameter on which you make your decision, for example, Spectrum customer service offers their customers the option to file a complaint at any time because of 24/7 availability.

You can take a few steps to make sure your internet speed is consistent. We are mentioning a few simple steps that you can take which are often overlooked by us.

Test your internet speed

The first and most important step is to know which internet speed you’re getting. If you are not aware of the internet speed that you have signed up for, you can see your internet speed on your monthly bill.

You should run a speed test to find out which speed you are getting in reality. You can search about the internet speed test apps on Google and run a test. Just make sure that when you run the test, all the other devices are not consuming or connected with your internet.

Placement of your router

The placement of your router plays a very vital role. If there are multiple users who make use of your Wi-Fi connection, then you must reconsider the placement of your Wi-Fi router and modem. Place your Wi-Fi router somewhere there is no institution. Some people put their router and modem in a corner, and they use the internet in another corner, this will result in slow internet speed.

If you want to get strong Wi-Fi signals, your router and modem should be placed in a central position. Make sure there is no wall in the front or furniture, your router should be in a clear space.

Don’t turn off your router

some people have the habit of turning off their router whenever they aren’t using it. If you turn your router off, you give the signal that internet is not required. Your internet speed will automatically reduce if you keep turning your router off. Always keep your router on because this will ensure that you get consistent Wi-Fi signals.

Buy a wi-fi extender

Sometimes your router and Wi-Fi are old and it does not distribute internet signals equally. You can have the best internet service provider and yet face issues with your Wi-Fi signals. The best way to get strong Wi-Fi signals is by investing in a Wi-Fi extender. You can buy a compatible Wi-Fi extender from Amazon online by searching on google. It is a one-time investment and it allows you to experience good Wi-Fi signals. A wi-fi extender distributes the Wi-Fi signals evenly allaround your home.

Don’t connect more devices

Before you choose any internet speed, you should know what will be a compatible internet speed according to your usage. You can simply tell the sales agent about how many people will be using the internet and how many devices will be connected with your Wi-Fi at the same time. Once you tell your usage, the sales agent will recommend a compatible internet speed. You can also search online and find out which speed will be best for you.

Once your speed is sorted, just make sure that you connect the number of devices with your Wi-Fi which will be supported by your internet speed. If you connect to lesser devices, you will not face internet speed issues. It’s all about the right amount of gadgets and internet speed.

Update your windows or OS

If you are using a PC or laptop, your software of Windows needs to be upgraded. We often ignore the updates notifications that pop up on our screens. Always keep your windows updated because it will keep your device and updated and it will remove the chances of speed lags that can be caused due to un-updated windows.

Check your DNS settings

You should keep a check on your DNS settings. Mostly, if try to change your server when you are facing issues with your internet speed, you can experience a better speed on a different server.

Wrapping Up

If you are a person who is aware of small steps that can improve the quality of your internet speed, you’ll not face more issues with the internet. Always keep a check on the devices that are connected with your internet and turn off the ones that do not need it. By following these simple tips, you can notice a visible difference.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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