WWE 2K22 Best Graphics Settings for PC

WWE 2K22

If you’ve been wondering what the best graphics settings are for WWE 2K22, then you’re not alone. This game is notoriously resource-hungry, and you may be experiencing multiple issues. These issues can be quite severe, but they are easily fixable. Read on to find out how to change your PC’s graphic settings. This guide will also help you tweak your gaming experience. You’ll be rewarded with smooth gameplay, no choppy or juddering, and a high graphical experience.

The first step in optimizing your graphics for WWE 2K22 is to change the resolution. This can be done by modifying the config file, located under Documents on your C drive.

It’s essential that you force the use of V-Sync, as this setting is critical to smooth gameplay. Another important aspect of the game is the quality of the textures. This is especially important in a game like WWE 2K22 that makes extensive use of textures.

There, you’ll find a list of settings that can be tweaked. The highest graphics settings should be set to 1280×720, with low shader quality and audience rendering at zero. You can also perform Disk Cleanup and delete TEMP files if necessary.

WWE 2K22 Best Graphics Settings for Low-end PC

Below are the best WWE 2K22 Graphics Settings for low-end PC which you can use in the game to get the best performance of the game on your PC. To change your graphics settings in WWE 2K22 open the Options tab in the main menu. Now, click on the Extras tab. Under the General section, you will find the Graphics Settings. Now, simply set these settings as given below.

  1. Screen Resolution: Change your screen resolution to 1280×720 or 1920×1080 for the best
  2. Windowed Mode: No – If the game is lagging in Fullscreen mode then try to play in Windowed mode by turning it to Yes.
  3. Shadows: Off
  4. Shadow Quality: Low
  5. Shader Quality: Low, if you are not using a high-end graphics card.
  6. Anti-Aliasing: Turn
  7. Audience Rendering: Zeero
  8. Depth of Field: Off
  9. Motion Blur: Off
WWE 2K22 Best Graphics Settings

After doing this, click Accept button to save your settings, that’s it. Do remember that you are always free to make changes to these graphic settings according to your preferences. So, you can play with these settings by turning them off or on and see what’s best suits your need.

WWE 2K22 is now available to play on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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