How To Add Social Network Icons Into Rediff Mail Signature

Add Social Network Icons

Like other Email services you can use a social network icon into your rediff mail signature and you can add an image as your Email signature. I have told you earlier how you can add social networking icons into Gmail signature.

Putting social icons into rediff mail is quite different from Gmail, in Gmail you get the option to add a image as your signature but in rediff mail you didn’t get this option now some people may find this hard to do because you can only add a image into rediff mail by putting a image HTML code but some people can’t do this. But you don’t have to worry about it here i will give you some of my codes that you can use for your rediff mail signature. To get start follow the steps below.

1- Sign in to your rediff mail account.
2- Then click setting at the top right corner
3- Now click on the ‘signature‘ option below General.
4- Now in massage, write your signature massage and copy paste the below code after changing the red codes with your codes. You can paste these codes below to your signature massage.

You can also set the signature to all outgoing mail just tick the box.
now save your setting and you can now see the image signature into your rediff mail. as shown below.

Note: You can get more social icon images on the google search and you can get their HTML code by uploading the images on

Otherwise, you can use the above codes that I have given in the article. I hope it will work for you if you like the post leave your comments below.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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