How to Easily Find and Farm Crown Monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds (Achievement Guide)

Crown Monsters

Farming Crown Monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds is vital for players seeking 100% completion since earning Gold Miniature and Gold Large Crowns is required for achievements. These crowns represent abnormally small or large monsters, and though they don’t affect gameplay mechanics, they are important for trophy unlocks, completionist objectives, and boasting rights.

With MH Wilds bringing the Binocular Tool to quickly verify monster sizes, farming is significantly more effective than in past games. Multiplayer farming also means that players can trade saved investigations of crown monsters, significantly expediting the process. If done cooperatively, hunters can optimize efficiency and cut down on the time taken to fill their collections.

This guide will reveal to you what Crown Monsters are, the easiest methods of farming them effectively, and how to accelerate the process through multiplayer. Stay with it until the end to see how to get the most out of your efforts through community involvement.

What are Crown Monsters in MH Wilds?

Crown Monsters

A Crown Monster in Monster Hunter Wilds is a monster that appears at an end of the size range—either really small or really big. These monsters are identified by a gold crown symbol, meaning that they are unusually sized.

There are Silver Crowns too, but they are only a description of slightly larger or slightly smaller monsters and do not go toward achievements. If you’re going for 100% completion, the only Crowns that count are Gold Crowns.

When monsters spawn in the game, their sizes may vary within a specific range. A monster that spawns at an extreme size range—one which is exceptionally small or exceptionally large—will have a crown icon beside its name.

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There are two Gold Crown Monster types:

  • Gold Miniature Crown – Awarded for very small monsters.
  • Gold Large Crown – Awarded for very large monsters.

Silver crowns are also available, but they are not included in achievements. In case you’re going for full completion, only gold crowns are important.


Three monsters should not have crowns:

  • Jinder Hud
  • Guardian Arkfeld
  • Zia

Since Guardian Arkfeld and Zia are fight-once creatures, it is understandable that they do not qualify for crown achievements.

How to Identify Crown Monsters

In the previous Monster Hunter games, finding crown monsters meant guessing and checking after a hunt. MH Wilds, however, introduces the Binocular Tool that lets you instantly check if a monster has a crown before you start fighting. This really accelerates the farming process.


How to Use Binoculars Tool

Zoom InR ButtonPS4 – R2 ButtonXBOX – Right Trigger
Zoom OutMouse 4 InputPS4 – L2 ButtonXBOX – Left Trigger

The Best Crown Farming Strategy

1. Target Tempered Monsters

Tempered monsters are more likely to be a crown monster. Here’s how to maximize your farm:

  • Open your map and look for areas with multiple tempered monsters.
  • Travel to the designated locations and use binoculars to check monster sizes.
  • If a monster does not have a crown, move on to the next location.

2. Systematic Map Checking

Some players prefer checking all monsters in an area instead of only tempered ones. This involves:

  • Using auto-run to reach each monster quickly.
  • Scanning with binoculars before engaging.
  • Quick traveling between pop-up camps to conserve time.

3. Resting the Maps for New Spawns

In case you can’t locate any crown monsters within your existing maps, reset them:

  • Head to a tent or pop-up camp.
  • Choose “Rest” in the food menu.
  • Pick “Inclement Weather” (optional, but spawns Apex monsters).
  • Confirm to renew all maps with new monster spawns.

Keep repeating the process until you find the crown monsters you need.

How to Use Multiplayer for Quicker Farming

One of the best methods of farming crown monsters is by saving them as investigations and trading them in multiplayer.

  • Saving a Crown Monster Investigation
  • Spot a crown monster with binoculars.
  • Mark the monster on your map.
  • Click again and save it as an investigation.
  • Kill the monster and verify it has the crown at the end screen.
  • Head to Alma in town and click “Investigations.”

Sharing Crown Investigations in Multiplayer

  • Host a multiplayer lobby and upload your saved investigation.
  • Other players enter and battle the crown monster.
  • Once the quest begins, the host may leave so others can carry on.
  • The host can then host another crown investigation to continue farming.

If many players use this method, everyone in the lobby will have a constant rotation of crown monsters to farm, and the process will be exponentially quicker.

Why Multiplayer Crown Farming is Game-Changing

  • In older games, 5-15 minutes were needed to locate a crown monster with no indicators.
  • Now, with binoculars, you can instantly check.
  • Saved investigations provide many attempts on one crown monster.
  • Community sharing accelerates 10x or even more!
  • Join the Community for Efficient Crown Farming

I hope this guide will help you find and farm crown monsters in MH Wilds. Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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