New BioShock Game is In Development at a Secret Parkside Studio, Report

While explaining the making of Mafia 3 and its downfall since the game was launched Kotaku’s Jason Schreier’s also revealed that a small group of former Hangar 13 employees are working on a project code-named ‘Parkside’ to develop a new BioShock game at a secret studio located “next door” to Hangar 13.

“If anyone from Hangar 13 tried to strike up a conversation with [those at this studio], they’d say, ‘Oh, we can’t really talk about it,” one source told Kotaku. “It was all very tight-lipped.”

The studio is also trying to keep the Parkside team small for now in order to avoid the overstaffing.

“The issue is that Parkside’s not ready for lots of people,” said another person involved with goings-on at the company. “They’re trying to be really smart about figuring out what the core thing is. They’re careful about not falling into the same problem every studio has, where they have too many people and nothing for them to do.”

It seems that BioShock will also continue to use the Unreal Engine with its next BioShock as it had been using Different iterations engine for its every BioShock game released so far.

There aren’t many details available as of now regarding the new BioShock Game but as soon more details will evolve regarding the next BioShock game development we will be covering that as soon as possible.

This should definitely be a good news for BioShock game lovers who loved the older BioShock games from the studio. What you think about the new BioShock game are you waiting for this? do let me know in the comments section down below.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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