How To Store Your Music, Photos, Documents, And More On Air


Now you can store all your media files like your music, photos, documents, and even more on the air safe and securely with iCloud with your Apple devices like I Pads, I Pods touch, iPhone, Mac, or PC. So you can easily access your media files from anywhere any time and fast. iCloud is like a wireless hard drive on the cloud.

iCloud automatically and securely stores your content on the cloud so it is always available to your Apple devices and you can use them any time from anywhere no matter where you are and whichever device you are using. With iCloud you can easily access your music, apps, latest photos, iCloud keeps all your email, contacts, and calendars up to date across all your devices.

To put all your media files to the iCloud just signup for iCloud and when you signup for iCloud you get 5 GB of free space to upload your media files to cloud and that more enough. But if this space is not enough for you then you can purchase a storage upgrade from your device.

You can use iCloud Every new iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch comes with iOS 5. And every new Mac which comes with OS X Lion. but you don’t have to worry about anything if your Apple device is up to date and new then iCloud is ready to serve you its service

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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