Control Your Visibility On Facebook When You Are On Line To Your Friends


Today everyone knows that when you log in to your Facebook account you see a green dot on the left side and below of your right side which lets you know that how many friends are online when you log in to your account. But sometimes you and your friend may not want to chat with each other at that particular time or you don’t want to chat with any of your friends then what will you do? on Facebook, you can control your visibility.

If you don’t want that any of your friends see you online you can easily control this, in Facebook, you can control or limit your visibility to your friends if you don’t want to be visible to your friend’s let’s see how you can do this.


Control who can see you online on Facebook

* To limit your chat visibility on Facebook just log in to your Facebook account and go to your chat setting by clicking on the button bellow right side now click Advanced Setting option.

In the advanced option you will get three visibility options:

1# All your friends see you except- Here you can enter the name o your Facebook friend you don’t want to appear online.

2# Only some friends can see you- Here you can enter your Facebook friends name you want to appear online and you will be offline to your other friends.

3# No one can see you online– Select this option if you don’t want to appear online to any of your friend.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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