Hello friends in this article i will tell you about how you can use galaxy s3 features on any other android phone if you don’t have Samsung Galaxy S3 but you want make your android phone just like Samsung Galaxy S3 or you want to use Samsung Galaxy S3 features on your phone then you are the right place read this article and you will get what you want. you can easily convert your any android phone into Samsung Galaxy S3 for this just follow the steps below.
Image Source: Creative Common Flicker Image Credit
How Setup Galaxy S3 Features on your android phone:
* Just go to the Android Market which is now known as Google Play Store
* Now just click on the install to install the Galaxy S3 GO Launcher EX Theme on your android phone
* You can also download this file directly to your computer. After downloading this file just copy paste this file into your phone and install it and you are done.
* After installing this you can download Galaxy S3 live wallpaper which you see in video ad of this phone to complete the setup you can also change the theme whenever you want it’s very easy. You can download Galaxy S3 Dandelion live wallpaper Here

This article is written and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Ha Ha Ha…very funny. This is only getting visual not exactly the features of S3, like smart alert, smart stay, pop-play etc.etc.