Audio Visual Solutions: 5 Tips for Negotiating Corporate Events

Audio Visual Solutions

Audio Visual Solutions
Most corporate events require a backlog of planning. From the meeting location, to registration details, accommodation, food, contracts, speakers, insurance and decor – these are just a few of the factors that go into planning big conferences. One of the most important details however, is the audio visuals (AV).

Why the AV?

Meetings on such a grand scale are all about the attendees. Organisers are very careful to cater to the expectations of their guests – right down to the sponsors they take on and the exhibitors they commission.  Bringing us back to AV, the logistics of such a meet and greet usually boil down to two simple things: sound and visibility. Ironically the area that most of the professionals in attendance know least about, it can make or break the success of the entire conference.

Audio Visual Integration Tips for Corporate Events:

Think strategically, don’t get sidetracked by audio visual equipment you think you need.

Event managers can waste a lot of money when renting AV equipment they think they need. What is your AV strategy? Once you’ve figured this out, you can easily save cash by sharing your vision and your budget with your audio visual service provider so that they can pitch you their ideas and solutions.

Secure your audio visual vendor on a yearly basis.

Once you’ve found a vendor that you can rely on, commission them for all of your scheduled events for the next few months/or years; doing this can result in a significant discount from their prices, as well as the option to cancel their services should you run into problems.

Negotiate tear down discounts and show rates.

Setting up audio visual takes a lot longer than clean-up, with AV teams usually needing to test, adjust and retest equipment. Negotiate an overall show rate instead of racking up daily costs, and make sure to work in a tear down discount to leverage your position as customer.

Look out for exclusivity clauses in your venue.

Remove any such clauses to avoid incurring additional charges from your venue supplier for lost opportunity to using their in-house audio visual equipment and team.

Get your hands on a schedule of power and rigging fees.

These are open to discussion and often overlooked.
Since the average employee has gotten used to carrying around high-tech mobile devices in their pocket, it makes sense that any corporate meeting will need to match this standard or up it. A sophisticated sphere of technologies that continues to become more complex with every passing year, audio visual is the key to impressing corporate attendees in this heyday of modern conferences.

Bella Gray is a technology blogger who writes reviews for an audio visual company. A maestro of tips and strategies for navigating emerging technology markets, Gray is the perfect go-to-gal for all your tech tips and solutions.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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