How To File a Report On Facebook Against a User Profile


While using our Facebook account we often see many inappropriate or many other things that we don’t want to appear on our Facebook profile page many such kinds of users use Facebook to make it inappropriate for some users by using their comments status messages or even their profile pics are not good, many people use naked images as their profile pics and their comments and status messages are very poor and vulgar and they abuse so much on others profile.

One day while using Facebook I saw a friend suggestion on my profile page and the profile pic of that user was nude and the image was appearing on my profile page then I thought that if at that time anyone is there with me then he or she might feel something wrong about me and they could be a surprising decided thing. Then I decided to do Something about it and I want to block this type of friend suggestion or activities on my Facebook Profile page. Then I blocked that user and I reported that user profile to Facebook.

Today I will tell you how you can file a report against a Facebook profile or user well it is quite simple, if you don’t want such kind of activities on your profile pages your file an account for any Facebook user and then the blocked user profile will never be appear on your Facebook profile page. So let’s see how you will do that follow the steps below.

How to block/Report A user on Facebook

1- Sign in to your Facebook account > Go to the user profile which you want to block > Click Report/Block on the left side of the page > Select the option for that you want to block that user. After this, click continue if you don’t like the user profile pic select the option inappropriate profile image if you want to block a user for an inappropriate wall post you can select that and click continue. Now after clicking the continue button that user will no longer be available for you on Facebook  see below

How to block/Report A user on Facebook

How to Block a User On Facebook Timeline

If the user is using a Facebook timeline then how and where you find the option to block that user in the timeline just go to the user profile and below the user’s cover photo you will get a setting option connected with a message click on that and you will get the Report/Block option there now you can report that user from his timeline by clicking the Report/Block button that’s it.

Now the blocked user will longer be available for you on Facebook and Facebook will never show that user’s profile on your profile as a friend suggestion or anything. To see the complete policy regarding this matter you can Visit Here

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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