Six Really Fun Spanish Apps for iPhone

Six Really Fun Spanish Apps for iPhone

Want to learn Spanish, or just want some cool, new ways to experience the Spanish language? Here are six fun Spanish apps (available in the iTunes App Store) that you must try.

El Mejor Ahorcado
“The Best Hangman” app is a Spanish version of this classic, boredom-curing game. For 99 cents, you can play hangman with Spanish words and phrases. The simple, animated game is a fun way to help Spanish language-learners practice their Spanish. It’s also an app that will entertain native Spanish speakers. This app works offline so you can play anywhere.

Spanish Baby Flash Cards!
If you want to help your toddler or preschooler learn Spanish, this is a great app to help practice vocabulary. There are more than 450 words included in this app, and each flash card has photographs and sounds that will help your child recall the Spanish words. There are audio voice overs that will teach pronunciation, but you can turn them off when you want to help your child yourself. There is also a question mode that will quiz children by telling them a word and asking them to select which of the four photographs it goes with. Best of all, this app is free.

Learn Spanish – MindSnacks
This Spanish-learning app from MindSnacks gives you a very creative and fun way to practice Spanish vocabulary. There are six mini-games that teach you and quiz you on new words. Just by the names of the games – Meteor Attack!, Fish Tank, Word Birds, and more – you can tell it’s going to be fun. The best part is that it actually works because it uses proven learning algorithms. You can complete challenges along the way, and hear audio for the more than 1,400 words that are included in 50 lesson levels. You can purchase the full app for $4.99.

Mexico Radios
With this free app, you can stream many different local Mexican radio stations in real-time. All the radio stations use Spanish as their primary language, so it’s a fun way to become immersed in the Spanish language and Mexican culture. You can browse radio stations to find your favorites, and this app also runs in the background so you can listen while doing other things, too.

It’s Fun to Learn Spanish
This app certainly lives up to its name, because it’s an entertaining way to practice more than 100 Spanish vocabulary words. The app is carnival-themed, and you’ll play games like Spin the Wheel, Darts, Memory, Bingo, and Marbles to test your Spanish skills. You’ll win prizes, tickets, and coins for your knowledge. Challenge yourself to collect as many rewards as possible, and even decorate your virtual room with them. This app costs $1.99, and there’s also a lite version.

Animals in Spanish (by Kandoobi)
For $2.99, this is a fun, interactive app for your children that will help them learn Spanish words for animals, bugs, and reptiles. Not only will your kids love playing the fun games like matching, or coloring the activity pages, but they’ll also retain more than 100 words. This app is easy for even toddlers to play, and parents can enjoy helping their child learn with it, too.

Gerardo Brown is a freelancer currently living in Cartagena. Gerardo utilizes Glovico as his main resource for learning Spanish.

About the Author:
This article is contributed by Gerardo Brown and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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