Gadgets to Expect in 2013

Such is the rapid progression of technology that each year brings with it a wide range of new tech innovations and gadgets. The advancement of time is thus the advancement of technology and such a trend will, of course, continue into 2013 and beyond. Here are just a few gadgets we can expect in 2013.

iPhone 6
It’s ridiculous that just almost immediately after the release of the iPhone 5; consumers are already eagerly anticipating the iPhone 6. It does, however; say something about the success of the iPhone 5, which it is fair to say wasn’t as successful as Apple would’ve hoped.
Despite the iPhone 5, the Samsung Galaxy SIII was the phone of the year and this will surely be enough to ensure Apple come back fighting!
It is this that makes the iPhone 6 such a promising prospect.

So what can we expect from the iPhone 6 then?

Well, if Japanese publication Nikkan is anything to go by, the phone will continue to get thinner and lighter. Furthermore, a new type of screen will be introduced by Sharp on the iPhone 6. This will be composed of the liquid crystal which will feature low-temperature poly-silicon technology. Allowing for thinner and lighter screens that consume less power than traditional LCD screens, this next-generation display format is certainly one to watch out for.

Android TVs
A slow technological development has been brewing in recent years. It is one that hasn’t quite taken off but nonetheless seems to be boiling under the surface. Android TVs have been a potential super-innovation ever since May 2010 when Google announced Google TV.

‘TV meets the web. Web meets TV’ was the slogan brandished by the multimillion-pound corporation. The concept was simple and mouth-watering: a device that took the best from the internet and merged it with the best of television.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t yet been a success.
However, 2013 seems to be its year, although this won’t necessarily be through the direct work of Google. While Google has struggled with their first versions of Android TVs, there are many companies worldwide touting alternative models. The word from the infamous Hong Kong Electronics Fair suggests that these models will see success in 2013.

From Roku’s Streaming Stick to Visopix’s Android TV at tech consumers can expect to be spoilt with a plethora of Android TVs.

Acer Smartphones
It may sound a bit odd, but in 2013 we’ll be talking casually about Acer smartphones. In fact, Acer will not only release one smartphone but a staggering six! One of these six models will run on Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8, which will be fitting as Acer’s is, of course, a PC manufacturer. The rest, however, will run on Android platforms.

High-end models will be equipped with Qualcomm’s dual-core CPUs, while chipset solutions from MediaTek will be used for entry-level models.

While we do not yet know what features these smartphones will be graced with, or when they will be released, we do know that the phones will be marketed mostly in Europe, China, and Southeast Asia.

Daniel Roberts is a British freelance writer and technology enthusiast.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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