Have MiFi Will Travel – How MiFi is Changing the Internet Landscape

Wireless technology is critical to move information quickly. Business is on the move, and a considerable amount of work is completed from remote locations. Wireless technology, in the form of MiFi provides remote access to the Internet in the form of a cellular hot spot and keeps information moving with ease and speed. MiFi is compact, portable, and provides the user with a permanent Wi-Fi hot spot for Internet connection.

A MiFi is about the size of a credit card and creates a Wi-Fi hot spot wherever the person carrying it is located. This portable hot spot is the perfect companion when traveling. Keep it in your pocket, briefcase, or bag and a cloud of Wi-Fi is available for your connection to the Internet whenever needed. The MiFi accommodates connections for up to five wireless devices. MiFi works in conjunction with a 3G wireless network, allowing the user to connect to the Internet anywhere cellular 3G networks are available.

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Benefits Of Having A MiFi Account

  • Allows connection for multiple Wi-Fi enabled devices
  • Provides a radius of approximately 30 feet
  • MiFi can host applications
  • Full Internet connection
  • Use Voice over IP technology to make phone calls from your laptop
  • Portable hot spot goes where you go
  • Configure email
  • Offers some storage capacity
  • Works as a modem and router
  • Optional 4G
  • Offered by multiple carriers
  • Perfect for traveling business professionals

MiFi Is Not Without Cost

The conveniences of having a portable hot spot can be expensive if you don’t obtain an appropriate program to meet your usage needs. To prevent going over your usage plan, access your MiFi hot spot only when necessary. Coffee shops and other business locations offering free Wi-Fi are often crowded, hotels normally charge a fee, and you can only use their Wi-Fi services at their location. Most public Wi-Fi hot spots are unprotected. MiFi is secure and can be used in a car, on a bus, on a train, anytime you are being transported, and also works in airline terminals.

You can expect to pay around $50.00 to $75.00 per month depending on your carrier and the required contract commitment. It is well worth the cost for the business professional that needs continual access to the Internet. Although smart phones offer many convenient services and allow access to a variety of accounts, it is time consuming and impractical to attempt to create or modify business documents using your phone. With MiFi, you have the ability to work on your laptop, log into file sharing accounts, create and send files, and use your laptop as you would on any Internet connection.

In a technology oriented business climate and a rapidly expanding global business community, uninterrupted access to the Internet is a vital requirement. MiFi is the business solution to meet the need. Compact, reliable, and portable, you can carry your hot spot with you by using MiFi technology.

Sam Jones, the author, has plenty of 3G devices but thinks MiFi is definitely a step up.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Sam Jones and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of cyberockk.com, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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