What Are Some Creative Uses for a Camcorder?

Powerful camcorders have empowered every single user in a number of ways but not every person who owns a good camcorder knows how to make the most of it. In essence, you have to use a bit of imagination and the will to test your skills with this device to make good use of your camcorder. Whether you own a really expensive camcorder or a cheap one, here are five best ways of putting it to good use:Start a Videoblog

The trend of video blogging is rampant these days on the internet simply because it relieves bloggers of the trouble to write their blog posts in good English (which is not something most internet geeks can do these days). However, by simply turning the camera lens to yourself, you can communicate with millions of people by uploading videos on your blog. Whether you wish to review products and movies or simply share your views about the current presidential race in the US, it is totally up to you. There are certain cheap camcorders that are ideally designed for video blogging such as the Sony Bloggie Touch.

Make a Short Movie or Documentary
In case you have purchased an expensive camcorder and are at sixes and sevens as to how to justify this transaction, you can try to make a short movie or documentary. Of course, you wouldn’t know much about movie making and the final results would be far from perfect but still, you need to learn this art as you go on shooting. Most of Hollywood’s top directors including Steven Spielberg and David Lynch started off humbly while Lynch even shot most of ‘Inland Empire’ on a digital camera. You can always dig the internet for some advice about amateur filmmaking but if you have the talent for this trade you will learn quicker than others.

Create a Montage
If you are accustomed to recording footage on your travels, during an important family get-together or while you take part in a game of baseball in your backyard, then you can always create a montage by combining different clips and adding some inspirational background music. Montages will help you share good laughs with your friends and family and put your camcorder to good use.

Record Wildlife in the nighttime

Recording wildlife in the jungle is an exhilarating experience but it can be very difficult to achieve and even potentially dangerous. If you plan to spend your vacations close to nature then a good way of recording wild animals at night is to leave your camcorder on a tripod in the early hours before sunrise shooting footage for at least a couple of hours. Who knows, you might catch on tape something spectacular!

Do Ghost Busting!

Do you know of a house in your neighborhood that is notorious for paranormal activity? If so, then you can always use night vision of your camcorder to do some ghost hunting or hopefully ghostbusting. You can also investigate any strange noises coming from your basement or the garage by leaving your camcorder rolling at night at such places.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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