Online Marketing Success:Tips for Connecting with Prospects

Are you ready to make stronger connections with your business prospects? The money is in the connections, and the more frequently you build strong relationships the more easily you will grow your business. Sales flow to you as you make more connections on a daily basis. Making these connections grows easier if you follow up frequently and add a personal touch to your interactions. Get on the phone and speak to individuals who leave their name and phone number when they sign up for your list.

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Follow up persistently by using an autoresponder series. By personalizing interactions and frequently following up with prospects you can effectively reach out, build stronger relationships and form a solid foundation for your business.

Make an Intimate Connection by Following Up on the Phone

Call each prospect who provides their phone number on your capture form to accelerate the relationship building prospects. This approach adds a personal touch to your marketing campaign. Few people use the phone to make stronger connections so you will stick out in a big way by simply picking up the phone and making an effort to connect with individuals through this traditional medium. Hearing someone talk over the phone adds a nice touch to your marketing campaign as you will appear to be more real to your prospects.

This adds a human connection to your relationship. You will gain the trust of your prospects with greater ease if you simply call and speak to individuals over the phone. Your goal is to be human, to be real, and to express a keen interest in their concerns, or goals, or dreams.  Get on the horn and connect with individuals.

Use an Autoresponder Series to Develop Relationships Online

Use an autoresponder sequence to increase your online follow ups through email and grow strong relationships online. Email services allow you to set up a follow up series through templates, helping you keep in touch with your prospects on autopilot. Sending out weekly newsletters helps to build a relationship too but using autoresponders automates processes which would take you hours to perform without the automation. You want to work intelligently while increasing the number of connections you are making so use email follow ups to build more intimate relationships and grow your business.

Personalize emails through the autoresponder provider. Once you capture a prospect’s name through your opt in form you can set up templates which personalize each connection. This helps you make a stronger bond with people while saving yourself time through automation.

Persistence Wins in this Game

If you persist in connecting with individuals you will have no issues forming stronger relationships with people who are interested in your business. Persistence is the missing factor in many marketing campaigns, both online and offline. Follow up over the phone and send out frequent, value packed emails to your subscribers and you will eventually program people to respond to your dogged message.

Prospects will see your follow ups and feel your persistence on a subconscious level. As your message seeps into their mind you will influence these individuals to respond and join your team, buy your product or purchase your service. This is all because you persisted like heck, transmitting your message and wearing on your prospect. No, noting wearing in a negative way but programming people to respond to  your value-packed, persistent message.

Few people persist in the entrepreneur game. Most are quick to fail, and quit, reading to toss in the towel. You know better, and you know that your persistent message influences people to buy your product or service.

Kelli Cooper is a freelance writer who covers all things business; if you are interested in marketing your business at trade shows, check out the offerings of Monster Displays.

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Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Kelli Cooper and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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