Shopping for a Smartphone – Where to Start

If you are in the market for a new smartphone there are a few things that you need to do first before you buy a handset.  If you just go out and buy the first handset that you like the look of you can find yourself struggling with it in a few months time as you discover what it can and cannot do.  The trick is to find this out before you pay for the phone and there are several ways in which you can do this.

Check Phone Reviews
Online research is your first option.  Every mobile phone has been reviewed and these reviews are online for all to see.  It is important to remember that reviewers tend to put their own opinions in when they are writing so if they make a negative comment you should take it with a pinch of salt until you have had the chance to see for yourself.

What may be a negative thing for one person could be quite acceptable for another.  Figure out which handsets you like the sound of and list the features that each of them has.

Work Out What You Want to Do with Your Phone
Do you want a phone that makes it easy to surf the internet?  Are you more interested in accessing your emails on the go?  Do you simply want a phone that you can use for calls and texts with the occasional foray online?


Whichever you want there is a handset to suit you and the online reviews can help you to create a shortlist.

Visit Real World Phone Shops
Armed with this list you can then visit a few shops where you can see the handsets and handle them.  This way you get to judge how well it fits into the hand, if it fits into a pocket as well as the clarity on the screen.

Even if you choose to buy your phone online this is a step which should not be missed as it is not really a good idea to buy a phone that you have not seen, particularly if you are paying outright for the handset rather than getting one free or cheap with a contract. You will also get to see some of the accessories that are available for the handsets so you can work out if you need to buy any extras at the same time. Compare different handsets on weight, size and features and you will be able to narrow down your list to the one phone that you really want.

Buying your Phone
Then you can make your purchase but make sure that you get a good deal.  If you are paying outright for a handset then you could find yourself spending a week’s wages.  If this is the case, shop around.

You may be able to get a good priced handset in a sale or from an online store.  Either way if you can get some money off the price then you have found a bargain. Shopping for a mobile phone is like anything else – try not to follow the crowd or you will end up with something that may not suit your needs.

Phil Turner knows there are good Vodafone deals out there; so good that they make more sense than buying a phone outright.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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