Should I Upgrade – The HTC One S vs. The HTC One X

The HTC One S vs. The HTC One X
All mobile phone manufacturers are guilty of releasing unnecessary upgrades. After all, that’s how companies make money, by persuading us that our current phones are out of style, and that we need newer, more powerful, more expensive models. However, some upgrades are more necessary than others. Even though a lot of upgrades are based on relatively few new features, every now and again there comes a model that really is worth its extra price. The HTC One X is just such a model. Compared to its predecessor, the HTC One S, the One X is a far, far better model, and is well worth the price of an upgrade. Want to know why? Read on and find out…

How the HTC One S is Good…
The biggest difference here lies in size. The One S is a smaller hand set. It comes in twenty per cent smaller than the One X in general, and about ten per cent thinner and ten per cent lighter as well. That may be an important factor if you’re looking for something extremely portable, something that you won’t notice in your pocket all day. The One S also runs a slightly more powerful processor than the One X. It comes with a 1700 MHz processor rather than the 1500 MHz on the upgrade. That does make it a little more powerful and more responsive, but only by around ten per cent, which isn’t particularly noticeable at this level.

Why the HTC One X is Better…
The biggest factor that should affect this upgrade is the screen quality.
The One X does come with a bigger screen; its 4.7 inch screen is a good twenty per cent bigger than the one on the One S. But it’s not only size.

The screen resolution on the One X is significantly better than that of the One S, by about eighty per cent. Plus the One X has around twenty per cent more PPI (pixels per inch). The resolution and PPI combine to make the picture quality on the One X much clearer, sharper and brighter than that of the One S.

You get faster maximum data speeds, by a factor of twelve, on the One X, meaning that you get faster opening of web pages and downloads than on the One S.

Another major difference is the amount of internal storage that you get. The One X comes with 32 GB of memory, as compared to the 16 GB on the One S, which means you can store double the amount of pictures, data, music and apps on the One X. That’s an awful lot more space to fill.
Finally, the battery life has been slightly bettered on the One X model, getting around a half hour more talk time per battery charge cycle than on the One S.

A Worthy Upgrade?
In our opinion, definitely. The screen quality alone would be enough to make us purchase the upgrade. But combine the new screen with double the internal memory and we’re sold. The HTC One X is a big step up from the old One S, and an upgrade that’s definitely worth having.

Phil Turner checks regularly for new mobile phone deals, but it is proving impossible to get the phone he wants for the price he is willing to pay.

Image Credit: mobile88

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Phil Turner and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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