Top Quality Open Source Performance Testing Tools


Developers who have a small budget find that the difficultly of application development is that they must come up with significant amounts of money to afford various testing tools to supply to their teams of testers. Often times, production is stalled because developers must either wait for funds to become available or find ways to procure them. Open source performance testing tools eliminate this problem because they are free, and developers have access to quality alternatives. Developers who find themselves in such a predicament will do well to try out the below performance testing tools.Apache JMeter

Apache JMeter is a desktop app that has been developed from JAVA and is created for the purposes of seeing how applications perform and function under multiple load testing scenarios. This testing app in its original form was designed to specifically test web applications. However, this app has now been expanded to test a variety of functions, as it can be used to test dynamic and on static resources. This program runs on systems with JDK1.4 or later, Linux, Solaris and Windows NT, 98 and 2000.


ContiPerf is an easy-to-use performance testing tool that facilitates effortlessly leveraging test cases of the JUnit 4 variety like they are performance tests. This allows for the tester or developer to conduct performance testing on a continual basis. This program was designed similarly to the JUnit 4’s testing tool in that it shares many of the same features; however, ContiPerf is simpler to use and is considerably more powerful. This tool works on any platform that provides support for JAVA5.


Curl-Loader is a tool that has been written in the C programming language, and it is designed to test web applications and generate a wide range of load scenarios. This particular testing program utilizes actual HTTP, TLS/SSL and FTP protocol stacks so as to simulate hundreds and thousands of users with individual IP addresses. Curl-Loader provides support for login, user authentication and a large array of statistics and is designed to provide testers and developers with free alternatives to top quality commercial testing tools, such as IXIA IxLoad and Spirent Avalanche. This tool only works on the Linux platform.

Database Opensource Test Suite

This particular testing tool provides testers and developers with an assortment of test cases that are designed for performing stress tests on database server systems to see how well they perform as well as how reliable they will be under stressful conditions. The Database Opensource Test Suite works on both the Posix and Linux platforms.


DBMonster is a performance testing tool that has been designed for testing SQL database programs. This testing tool allows testers and developers to generate varying random data in order to subject applications to heavy loads to test performance and reliability. DBMonster functions independent of any platform.

These performance testing tools will enable developers to successfully complete the application development process without any snags. Best of all, money will never be an issue.

Eric Blair writes about tools for load testing, mobile application testing tools and other related services offered at

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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