The Panasonic Eluga – A Slim, Good-looking Phone, With A Few Buts

The Panasonic Eluga – A Slim, Good-looking Phone
When it comes to good quality electrical equipment Panasonic have a reputation for a top quality brand, but does this apply to mobile phones? The Eluga handset represents their contribution to this particular market and even though there are a number of negative points to the phone there are also some advantages which make this one well worth considering.

One of the main benefits to the phone is that it is a very slim handset. Many users prefer this to the bulkier mobile phones. And thin here does not equate to flimsy. Panasonic has created a waterproof and dustproof casing so it is perfect for those who expect their handsets to come in for a little bit of wear and tear. The overall design is similar to the televisions in the Panasonic range with a flat fascia and classy black plastic. And the name practically guarantees a good quality image on the screen. It comes complete with AMOLED technology and measures 4.3 inches, which is more than adequate to compete with other smartphones on the market.

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Using the Phone
The phone also has the advantage of the Android operating system and a good quality user interface. There are plenty of customisable options so the user is able to get the phone set exactly as they want it. With plenty of apps to choose from this is one of the easiest tasks on the phone. Features such as the Picture Album have drawn attention from reviewers as they are easy to use and it is things like this that make the handset perfect for those who are new to a smartphone. If you want to take photos to upload to your social networking sites then this is the phone to have.

Taking photos is easy as the on-board camera has 8 megapixels and there are plenty of functions and settings to make sure that the photo taken is good quality. The video camera function on the handset is also ideal. Make sure that images that you want to save are sent to your email or social networking sites as there is not a great deal of storage (8GB) on the phone itself.

Internet Use
Connecting is easy as there are a variety of options including Wi-Fi and 3G and Panasonic has even included GPS and NFC, ensuring that this phone can compete with other smartphones.

Battery and Power
Most users will be happy with the performance of the phone and the battery life is fine, with most moderate users getting at least a day from it. The processor is 1GHz and dual-core, so that operating speeds are better than many handsets on the market and you will not notice any delays or time lags that could give cause for concern.

Is this the Phone for You?
Another advantage is the reasonable price tag.
There are many features on this phone which would lead the user to think that it is an expensive handset so if the budget will not stretch to the latest high-end mobile phones then the Panasonic Eluga should fit the bill and leave the user very happy into the bargain.
Rizwan Ahmad

About the Author:
This article is contributed by Phil Turner and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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