Mobile Apps Create New Platform For Stay At Home Workers

It doesn’t sound surprising that mobile apps are creating more jobs. After all, those apps require lots of time spent by programmers and designers, and they bring in millions of dollars in revenue from the sale of the app, in-app purchases, and display advertising. Lesser known, however, is the fact that these aren’t the only way apps are creating jobs. Apps also serve as a platform for work at home and freelance type jobs. An increasing group of people are finding a way to support themselves from the profits they make as end users, not as app developers.

Using Apps With Ease
One popular use of apps is selling products. Just as some enterprising individuals make money from buying and reselling things on Craigslist, eBay, or similar websites (or even selling original creations), more people are finding that apps are an even easier platform to use for this. Apps are easier to use, can be checked and monitored more frequently, and make it easier to take and upload pictures of products.

Smartphones also enable sellers to check and respond to emails or comments quickly, speeding up communication between client and seller. Users also find old possessions they no longer use and sell them to make a little extra cash. Whatever the source of the product for sale, there is a lot of profit to be had in these person to person sales that happen on various apps.

Other types of apps enable individuals to find profitable activities in their spare time. Apps like Lyft and Uber provide a marketplace for finding rides or courier services. Users who have a car and some spare time can volunteer to give rides, pick up products, or even rent their car out – all for a nice fee. Many people find that this extra money made in their spare time can actually cover most of their car related expenses. The app developers screen users for safety purposes, and make a small percent of the fees as compensation.

Get Hired by Using Apps
Freelancers are also finding new ways to get jobs with mobile apps. Someone looking for a web developer, for instance, might use an app to find developers for hire. While some apps are location sensitive, others will connect clients and companies from anywhere. These apps help the parties on both ends of the sale as freelancers are able to find more work, and clients have a larger selection of contractors to hire.

The full extent of the impact of apps like these remains to be seen. Right now, more and more people are finding that they can quit their day job and make a reasonable living off these small, one-time gigs provided by mobile apps. As long as there’s enough work in the marketplace, workers can work one job after another, and the sum of these little tasks adds up to a reasonable salary.

Erick Bundy is a web developer for a new jersey web development company. Erick enjoys blogging about different coding techniques and helping people with their web issues.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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