In order for any business to be successful, it has to ensure that it backs up its critical data. This is because most organizations have a lot of digital data stored in their computers. However, there is a chance that the company might experience a hard disk failure or an employee might obliviously delete some very important information. It is therefore wirth considering online backup systems, which will aid in the recovery of data in the event that data is lost.
The Cost
There are organizations that still store their data in a local backup system for the sake of cutting costs. There is nothing wrong with opting for this kind of measure from a purely financial point of view. Most businesses who use only local backup use external hard drives or dual-layer DVDs which cost much less than enlisting the services of an online backup service provider. However, if you look at this decision from a technical point of view, you would advise the company to use backup online service providers even though it might come at a cost.
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The Benefits
There are various benefits that come with online backup systems. It is not advisable for companies to use optical discs or external hard disks to back up their data because these components can be easily corrupted in the event of prolonged storage. Regardless of whether the external hard disks or DVDs are locked up in a safe, they can still be exposed to moist air which is enough to destroy the layers of dye within the optical discs. This can lead to corruption of data. In the case of external hard disks, no matter how safely they are stored, a static electric discharge or an accidental impact might make the data become irretrievable. Therefore, the best way of avoiding these kinds of inconveniences is through the use of an online backup service.
Types of Backup Service
There are two major types of backup system. There is a system that you can set up locally, or a system where important data is stored online using some secured servers that are maintained and hosted by the service provider. The advantage of local backup servers is that they are high end PCs with a lot of storage space. Furthermore, it is possible to install software in the backup PCs, which will automatically facilitate backing up of files as they are stored in the computer.
In the case of online backup service providers, they usually use secure servers that will ensure that your data is safely stored. The advantage of enlisting the services of online backup service providers is that they are able to take backups periodically as well as ensuring that the stored data is safe and sound. However, this service will always come at a cost. Most providers usually charge an annual fee and it is worth looking out for those providers who provide online backup services at reasonable rates. If an organization is not confident of maintaining its backups internally, it would be prudent to seek the services of a specialist online backup company.
David Hamer is a data management expert who has written extensively on the subject of online backups and the way in which they can benefit business.

This article is contributed by David Hamer and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,