3 Tips to Save Money on Setting Up a Website


3 Tips to Save Money on Setting Up a WebsiteOne of the best ways to showcase a skill, promote a product, or simply make an appearance to thousands of people instantly is by way of the internet. However, those who even think about putting together a website are cut short rather quickly by dreadful thoughts of high costs and confusing computer lingo. Luckily there are a number of different tips to help you save money and still put together a fascinating website that is professional, creative, or any other way you want it.

1.Domain Name
A ‘what’ name? If you do not know what a domain name is, here is your first lesson on computer-internet jargon. A domain name is the actual name of your website, and is what people will type in to view the site. It is what comes after the ‘www.’ in an internet search box. While some websites offer domain names for outrageous prices, others do not. It is important to miss the scams associated with domain names and head to legitimate companies and websites that offer domain names for excellent prices. Take godaddy.com, for instance. They have long been in the business and can get you a great domain name of your choice for a very affordable price, some being only $5 each. Plus, when you use Godaddy promo codes you can save up to 35% off your entire purchase.

Your website won’t be able to do anything without proper hosting on the actual internet itself. Without going into details, hosting your own website can cost well over $150 per month. That’s outrageous, especially if you are a startup website with no prospective clients or viewers yet. To save time, money, and even hassle, it is best to use shared hosting with another website. Finding a reputable shared hosting website is simple with a search on your preferred search engine, and some of these website offer shared hosting for as little as $5 per month. They may even give you your domain name for free. If you are having trouble with hosting, you might want to check out Hostgator, a reputable hosting website. Plus when you use one of many Hostgator coupons (http://promocode4share.com/stores/hostgator/) such as code 25OFF2013PROMO, you will instantly get 25% off your purchase.

3.Web Design

Have you ever looked at a website and thought, “Wow, this is one very cool website”, and were instantly blown away by the graphics, layout, and so on? Then, have you tried to replicate such design on your own, only to realize that web design is much harder than you’d ever imagined? You are not alone. That is why buying a website template is generously easier than trying to come up with your own.

Not only is it so much simpler, but it saves you a lot of time and pressure trying to come up with the perfect design. Website templates are also considerably cheap, some only being $50. Plus, they have literally thousands to choose from- so finding the perfect design is no problem.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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