How To Revive Your Flagging Social Media Campaign

Social media marketing boosts trust like few other internet marketing techniques. Look at social media like a two- way street. Give freely and you can reap tremendous returns from the social channel. Be a greedy jerk and you repel many more people than you attract through sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

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Promoting other people and being sociable makes you magnetic to friends on each one of these networks. Be patient. Using social sites to grow your business takes time. Do not give in to urges like spamming or pitching individuals via personal messages. Losing your reputation on social media sites makes your job difficult for once you lose your good name folks are quick to sprint from your profile and ignore your updates.

Promote People Aggressively

Promoting people aggressively expands your presence quickly. Use social media sites intelligently. Imagine if 10, 20 or 75 people promote your latest blog post? How much traffic would you drive to your website, or latest blog post? Promoting other people helps you reach into new audiences fast.
Some people you choose to promote decide to market your latest blog post in return, helping you to increase your visibility among their audience. This simple act, which takes seconds to do, can help you leverage your presence ridiculously quickly.

Practical Tips: Facebook Share, retweet, LinkedIn Share and Google Plus Share each blog post you read.

Comment Extensively to Make Good Friends

You go as far as your social media buddies take you. By commenting extensively on social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn you can develop an engaging, sociable rep. Chatters do quite well on social networks. If you talk to people you stand out from the quiet, shy masses. Try running an online or offline business using social media by being a wallflower. You are wasting your time unless you make good use of the “comments” field.

Read a status update. Share your view of the update. Write one or two paragraphs to stand out from the social media crowd. Comment in detail. Few people share their point in a cogent and thorough manner. By socializing you quickly find that individuals love social media chatters. “Social” media, right?

Hang Where Your Prospects Hang

Avoid the mistake many seasoned and newbie social media users make. Hang out where your prospects hang out. Do not waste your time commenting on groups not related to your niche. Join groups directly related to your business or niche of choice. If you teach individuals how to run online businesses then join only groups related to running online businesses.

Share your latest blog post updates and comment on relevant blog posts. Support your fellow group members.

Like niche-specific Fan Pages. Comment on status updates and share your links if the page allows sharing. Be as sociable as possible on these relevant networks to develop your expertise in the right spots.

Be Persistent

Social media marketing is a long term advertising tool. Picture yourself planting seeds daily with each comment, social share or link you post to your profile or niche specific group. As the seeds grow you generate more leads and drive more business to your blog or website.

Be patient and persistent. Show up on social networks on a daily basis to outlast the crowd of online failures. Most people operate in fits and starts on Facebook or twitter. Few people adopt a long term approach which is why most people fail with their social media marketing campaigns.
Stand out from the crowd by simply showing up on a persistent basis.

Kelli Cooper is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about all things marketing; if trade shows are part of your offline efforts, she recommends visiting here for more information.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Kelli Cooper and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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