Call of Duty: Ghosts Will Be Soon for the Xbox360, PS3 and PC

recently revealed that its top-selling franchise of Call of Duty (Call of Duty:
Ghost) will be provided this year with the latest installment on PlayStation 3,
PC, Xbox 360 and on the next-gen platforms. Gamers of all ages will certainly
be thrilled by the release, especially considering that Call of Duty has always
been considered an extremely challenging and enticing video game.

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The latest game
is provided by Infinity Ward, the same team that lies behind the original
version of Call of Duty and the series Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which was
acclaimed by critics all over the world. Activision has registered high game
sale records for its first-person shooter and the announced installment will
probably follow the same steps. Call of Duty: Ghosts will be releasedthis
year, on November 5th. There were a lot of rumors regarding the
release date of the game. However, the officials of the games had finally
settled that the game will be ready by this November. The expectations are
high, considering the previous versions of the game, however the fans are
convinced it will be astonishing.
Get ready to be amazed by the
next-generation version of Call of Duty®. This version is expected to be as
successful as the previous ones, since this franchise is the symbol of a whole
gaming generation. Call of Duty: Ghosts will certainly lead the way thanks to
both publishing team Activision Publishing, Inc., and the development one
belonging to Infinity Ward, the same studio that managed to create the original
version of the game, as well as the series Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®. This
new title features a fascinating brand-new gameplay experience based on a
completely new story, cast of characters and setting. All the features are
powered by a brand-new, next-gen engine that will definitely bring this series
into the next generation.
Eric Hirshberg, the CEO of
Activision Publishing, stated that Infinity Ward will once again set the
highest standards for a whole generation with their first-person action
featured by Call of Duty: Ghosts. He also added that the -new story and
characters are part of a brand-new world that could be powered only by a
next-gen engine and that Infinity Ward is doing its best to make sure that the
next-gen Call of Duty will be good enough to please the greatest fans from all
over the world.
Mark Rubin, the executive
producer of Infinity Ward stated that although everyone thought they would do
the safest thing, in this case being the creation of Modern Warfare 4, the team
is ready to take chances and develop something special. He also claimed that
the console transition was the perfect moment to develop a new chapter for the
popular game Call of Duty. As a result, Infinity Ward is building a new engine,
a totally new sub-brand and plenty of experiences and ideas that will certainly
please their players.
If you want to take a first look
at the new version of Call of Duty, don’t make plans on May 21 because at 10 AM
PDT you’ll get the chance to find out something about the all-new version of
Call of Duty developed by Infinity Ward, live on your Xbox LIVE, SPIKE TV or
Microsoft is also excited about
this new game. As a result, Don Mattrick, in charge of Microsoft’s interactive
entertainment business stated that the company is very proud about the critics’
response to the Call of Duty series, which has managed to create one of the
largest and most involved communities on Xbox 360. Mattrick also added that
their partners Infinity Ward and Activision will certainly manage to get even a
greater achievement with the brand-new Call of Duty: Ghosts.
Fans all over the world can
already pre-order Call of Duty: Ghosts at most of the retail outlets.
The president of GameStop stated
that his company is very excited for the launch of this new game, especially as
it represents the transition to next-gen consoles. He also mentioned that Call
of Duty is one of the greatest video game properties, being the biggest
franchise that managed to have such popular game entertainment launches.
Author Bio: The article is being
written by Jason Phillips. He is working with the site Sniper Games 365 as he loves to play games. He has great experience in writing industry
and written several appreciable articles.
Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Jason Phillips and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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