The Most Common Components To Break On An IPhone, And What To Do To Prevent Them From Leaving You Phoneless!

The iPhone features a good build quality that puts a lot of other gadgets and phones to shame, but it is far from indestructible. As with any tech device, there are some parts that are more vulnerable than others when it comes to damage from external forces, and some which just don’t last forever from a technical standpoint.

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How Long Does an iPhone Usually “Live For”?
The iPhone should have a long life, though of course, because there are new versions coming out at least every year, an older model can be hard to get support and repairs done on, and most people will upgrade after a while to get the new features that come with the latest models. Very few of the original first generation iPhones are still in use, and those that are will have had some parts (especially batteries) replaced, so even with the best in case you can’t really hope for your iPhone to last more than about three years.

Which Components Usually Go Wrong?
There are two components on the iPhone that are susceptible to failure, and for different reasons.
The first is the screen. The screen is made of tough glass, but it can still be cracked or scratched, and it can also become dirty, sticky or water damaged. The screen can either be visibly broken or can start to fail in terms of no longer recognizing when you are touching it and responding to your gestures properly.

The second component on your iPhone to watch out for is the battery. While it is usually only a very severe impact or serious water damage that will break the battery, it can simply begin to run down over time. It may stop charging properly, fail to hold a charge, or simply die.

How Can I Protect Myself From Being Stuck Without a Phone If These Things Happen?
Prevention is, as they say, better than cure, so the first things to consider are adopting good habits when it comes to protecting your screen and prolonging your battery life.

Always use a case and a screen protector to shield your phone’s screen, and be careful to clean it regularly with a solution designed for the purposes of cleaning screens, or some alcohol wipes. Only charge your battery with a proper iPhone charger, and learn about battery saving strategies that can work for you. The easiest way to save battery is to avoid using the web too much, but obviously, this takes away a lot of the benefits of actually having an iPhone, so find approaches that fit around your own usage.

You should also consider what insurance you have in place if your phone were to become unusable. If you couldn’t necessarily spare the money to run out and buy a new one that day, then an insurance policy that offers a fast replacement is the best option. There are specialist insurers like Protect Your Bubble iPhone Insurance who offer this. You may also be able to take options with your home insurance that could help you.

Laura Ginn is a tech, consumer, and finance writer who wouldn’t know what to do without her iPhone! She loves helping other iPhone users get the most out of their devices and keep them in the best possible shape.

About the Author:
This article is contributed by Laura Ginn and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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