The Top 6 Cities In The U.S For A Career In SEO

Are you looking for a career in SEO? If you are you may be looking in the wrong town. SEO professionals, the highly skilled hard working ones, are highly sought after throughout the United States. But not all cities pay the same. Take Salt Lake City, Utah for example. This town per capita has one of the most dense populations of SEO professionals in the entire country. So the jobs are there, but the problem lies in the fact that the average salaries for this profession are much lower than other major cities. Especially those listed below.
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If you’re looking to pursue a career in SEO it’s obviously important for you to a) get paid well, b) get the best SEO experience possible on the projects you are working on and c) get the opportunity to work around other highly skilled professionals so that you have some people to learn from. The following 6 cities are the best fit for this type of career:

1. New York City

The average salary for an SEO professional in New York City is 54k to 98k per year. An average much higher than the rest of the country. The only problem is of course the cost of living in New York City which makes it difficult to save those extra pennies. Why so many good high paying SEO jobs in New York? It’s simple… all the traditional major ad agencies reside in New York. Most of them anyway.

2. Los Angeles

The average salary for an SEO professional in Los Angeles is 45k to 81k per year. Los Angeles too has many of the top traditional ad agencies but what’s unique about Los Angeles is it’s high density of newer age creative ad agencies, particularly those that specialize in online marketing. So while you may get paid more in New York City for being an SEO pro, you’ll have a much easier time finding a gig in Los Angeles.

3. San Francisco

The average salary for an SEO professional in San Francisco is 53k to 90k per year. What’s cool about San Francisco and what makes it unique to the other cities mentioned here is the high number of startup companies.

4. Chicago

Chicago like New York City, is the home of many traditional ad agencies and media outlets which creates a large market for SEO professionals. The average salary for an SEO professional in Chicago is 45k to 82k per year.

5. Boston

Boston is surprisingly the home of many domain name organizations and affiliate ad networks. These two monster industries create a ton of residual SEO jobs throughout the city. The average salary for an SEO professional in Boston is 49k to 90k per year.

6. Baltimore

And last on this list is Baltimore, Maryland. The average salary for an SEO Professional in Baltimore is 43k to 78k per year. The majority of these jobs are “Political” in nature thanks to nearby Washington D.C.

Don’t like the big city life? Don’t love the idea of doing search engine optimization New York, or in other big cities like Chicago or Boston? Austin Texas and Tampa Florida are two cities that rank pretty high on the list, two cities that still pay well and aren’t your typical “big city.” Those living in Florida for example can register a Florida LLC, same with other localities based on existing regulations.

For a full list of the top cities for SEO professionals check out this SEO Salary Guide Infographic on

This article was contributed by Nicole. She has been blogging about search engine optimization for years.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.

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