How to Use and Download Audiko Apps for iPhone and Android

Advertisement is the world’s top free ringtone downloader and
maker compatible with Android powered mobile phones and iPhones. There are two
ways of using First users can visit their website and download or
create the ringtone online. Second
is downloading the free Audiko app for Android or for
iPhone.  Here we discuss what’s different
with the app and how to download it for both Android phones and iPhones.

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The difference between the app and the website is that the
app has an extended feature where it allows users to assign ringtones to
contacts or do actions automatically inside the application. It can
automatically set the default ringtone
for calls, SMS, or personalized for a specific contact or group. The app also
stores the ringtones previously created or downloaded into a special
collections folder. Online users can also store their previous downloads and
created ringtones but they have to create an account for that which is free
anyways but involves more time.
Now there are two apps available specifically for Android
and iPhone in order to get to access the free ringtones and ringtone maker available at Audiko.
There is no difference between the Audiko app for Android and the Audiko app
for iPhone. The difference is just the place of download.
for Android
For Android users, the Audiko app is available to download
for free at Google Play. Users just have to search for “Audiko ringtones” and
download the app directly to their Android smartphones. They can also
immediately go to this link for direct download at Google Play:
for iPhone
For iPhone users they can get access to Audiko by simply
getting the Cydia app. iPhone users can manual install the Audiko app by going
to “Cydia” from their iPhones and selecting “Search” and entering the keyword
“Unlimtones” and directly proceed to the installation.  The Cydia URL is cydia://package/com.i4iphones.unlimtones
The Audiko apps feature the ringtone maker and access to millions of free ringtones directly
downloaded to smartphones. The application offers everything you may require
and need for a ringtones application. Some of its popular and great features are
having access to millions of free ringtones by the latest hits as well as those
ringtones created by fellow Audiko app users. It also gives hassle-free direct
and quick download to the smartphones. Another is that users can use the app to
automatically assign personalized ringtones for incoming calls and SMS for
specific contacts or group contacts.

Aside from this, the app also gives users
a convenient search experience from searching ringtones by title, genre,
artist, album, videos, or choose from the hand picked top 100 ringtones updated
weekly. Local tracks are also available and categorized for easier use. And
last but not the least the app generates a collections folder where ringtones
and creations that users downloaded or created are stored for future use. App
users can also have access to the Audiko community where they can share their
own created ringtones to other users or download the creations that other users
made using the app.

Indeed, there are a lot of things that users can do with the
Audiko app and it’s really easy to install and use. The Audiko app is perfect
for those users who have zero audio editing skills but want to edit their own
ringtones to make it their own. The Audiko app can stand alone and does not
need the support of other software nor does it require bundle downloads or apps
that forces you to download.

If you’re looking for an app that gives you high
quality ringtones for free download the Audiko App now and start sharing and
downloading your favorite ringtones!

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:
This article is contributed by Bogdan Shumei and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,
Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



  1. Hi Rodney, you can't download the ringtones from audiko, you can just set a particular ringtone to a particular contacts, like if you are listening a tone and you want to set it on a contact then just play the ringtone on your androide mobile and then click on the setting option left side of your mobile screen now select how you want to set that ringtone you want as Default or you want it as Alarm or you want it to use on a contact, to use it on a contact select Contact Ringtone and now select the contact on which you want to set that ringtone and that's it. hope it will you out.


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