7 Great and Interesting Ways of Making Money With Your Blog in 2013


As we all know making money in any field is not an easy task and this apply’s for blogging also. In some cases making money with blogs may be a child’s play for some people. If you have given all the efforts to your blogging that blogging requires to come up among’s the top blogs over the internet then nobody can stop you by making money with your blog.Remember every field requires heard work and lots of patience before you starts making money and blogging also requires this. After successfully creating your blog and setup all the things you would like to earn money with your blog. There are so many ways you can make money with your blog and i think some of them you have already heard about like Google Adsense, Chitika, Adbrite, Contera etc. But do you know there are lots of other interesting ways you can make a good amount of money with you blog, if no then this post will help you to know about them and how you can make money from them.

SEE ALSO: Top Advertising Network For Blog Publishers And Advertisers

Here i have listed below some of the great and interesting ways to make money with your blog.

1- Google Adsense
Google Adsense, yes this is the most loved and best way of making money with your blog. Google adsnse is one of the most trusted and best way of making money with your blog, i know you have already heard about it, most people think that getting an adsense account is very hard but trust me there is nothing like adsense as my personal experience but it doesn’t mean that you can’t go with other alternatives. Getting an adsense account is not very hard, according to me adsense is much easier than other advertising networks in tums of getting a publisher account.

Trust me if you have good enough original written content not copied from other sites or blogs, nice navigation so people can easily navigate through your content, if you have added a about me and privacy policy pages, and at the last if your blog or site follow Google webmaster guidelines then your site or blog will never get rejected in adsense program. whether you are from India or any other country.

Note: If you have a technology blog and if you are applying for adsense and not getting approval then i think it could be much hard for you to get an adsense account now, because what i know the Google Adsense is not accepting any blogs and websites related to technology from the last one and a half year, the reason is increasing number of technology blogs on the internet and they don’t need more tech blogs they already have much.

2- Direct Advertisements
The second way is you can start your own advertising campaign on your blog for this you can simply create a page with any title like ‘Advertise With Us’ or ‘Get Advertise on this Blog’ and then just put some content on the page that what are your requirements and pricing for ads etc, you can set your own pricing according to your Alexa rank and Google page rank. after that you can add a banner on your blog with different sizes and you can take different prices on a monthly basis. If you have good Alexa Rank and higher Google Page Rank then advertisers will automatically contact you for advertise on your blog.

3- Sponsored Posts
This is another great way of making money through publishing Sponsored guest posts on your blog. There lots companies, blog owners, web sites owner who really want more exposure over the internet for this they some times offer sponsored guest posts to be publish on a site or blog and there is a website called PostJoint for bloggers and advertiser you can just signup for free add your site or blog on the site by selecting your blog category after the setup your blog you will start getting free sponsored guest post for your site you can also setup Email alerts in postjoint account so that you will never miss an opportunity.

Note: If you publish a sponsored guest post on your site then i would say that you should add a No-Follow to the link you will get in your sponsored post otherwise you site could be penalized by Google because Google don’t like this and you must add a no-follow into your link if you are publishing a sponsored post.

4- Sponsored Reviews
Yes you can make money by sponsored reviews on your site or blog. there are lots of companies out there who really want to expand there online business, so offer sponsored review in this way you have to write a review on your own site or blog related to companies products or services and then you have to add a link back to the companies site. There is great website for this called ‘Sponsoredreviews’ from this site you can get a sponsored review on your site after creating you free account on the site but remember all the advertisers on this blog accept blogs and website with a minimum Google Page Rank 1 if you have that then you can go there.

5- By Adding Social Sharing Buttons
You would be wondering that how you can make money by having a social sharing buttons on your site or blog, but yes you can actually make money by adding some social sharing buttons on your blog. I know that there are so many social sharing widgets and plugins available for your site or blog like ”Share This” or ”Add This” but none of them gives you money for having there widgets and plugins on your site or blog, but there is a site called ”po.st” with a page rank 5 this site provides you some great social sharing widgets, social sharing counter button etc for your site or blog.

You can get some sharing buttons for your site just by signing up a new account for free and then just put sharing codes into your site that you will get after sign up. now how you will make money from this that i have told you above, to start making money you will have complete a short step, after sign up you will revive a Thanks You Email from po.st and 2 or 3 steps to complete setup of your new account on the third step you will get a Email ID to setup your revenue sharing account just write a mail to that ID that ”you have added the code and now you can setup my revenue account” after this you will recive another mail with a link to setup your revenue account with RadiumOne.

Go with the link and setup your ID and Password and that’s it now po.st will start showing a 300×250 banner ads within your po.st sharing widget whenever a user will share any of your post he will see that ad and every 1000 impression you will get $10 so if you get more share on your site you will get more money for that.

6- By Having A Comment Box
This is right you can make a good money if your user leaves lots of comment’s on your site, you could be thinking that how you can make money by adding a comment box on your blog or site but yes you can make. There is a service called Disqus and what i know this is the most popular comment system on the internet Disqus a free comment system that allow users to have a great discussion conversations within the site across the web.

Disqus shares other sites link within your Disqus comment box on your site by right hand side you can see that now when a user of your site clicks on that links he redirects to that site so this referral generate money for you. You can enable revenue sharing by going to your Disqus setting section and then click on Discovery and chose the option maximum increased traffic and revenue and that’s it.

7- By Showing Related post
You might be thinking that how you can make money by showing related post on your blog, but it’s true you have always seen a related post section on most of the site at the end of the article which shows related post of that site. You can make money by showing related post into your blog posts but how you will make money? well for this you can use a free service called Taboola which has been used by some of the most popular websites like Mashable and Huffingtonpost. If you think that your site is popular enough and your site gets lots of monthly page views then you can use Taboola.

Taboola is a free most popular engaging service that keeps your user engage on your site by showing them related content within your site post and it also shows some sponsored related post from the around web so when a user on your site clicks to see any of the sponsored related post it generates money for you.

These are the 7 great and unique alternative ways you can use to make money with your blog or site. here are some more site i have listed below which you can also use to monetize your blog.

i. Bidvertiser
ii. Chitika
iii. Adbrite
iv. Clicksor
v. Kontera
vi. Infolinks
vii. Pocket Cents
viii. Exit juction
ix. Dynamic oxygen
x. Adbull

Please share your views in the comments below if you liked the article, i think this post will definitely help you to make some extra money with your blog.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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