Today we would like to tell you more about such wonderful services, which not only would bring down costs, but would also allow your venture to respect the environment around as well. Hence, please read on and be well-informed for the same.
SEE ALSO: How Tools Have Evolved Over Time
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What are the benefits of scanning?
With the help of scanning services, existing documents and microfilms can be archived. They would be converted into images, digitalised and stored for later use. So let’s take a look at the benefits involved.
1. Every company has a shared network drive, where the digital images and documents would be kept. Even if the freelancer or the salaried individual is working out from a location remote, he or she can access the files and microfilms and download or use them at their own convenience. This means continuity of business and no interruptions whatsoever.
2. Searching for hard copies and microfilms amongst all cabinets can take time. Sometimes they are misplaced or lost as well, and that’s why retrieving them isn’t possible. This wouldn’t be the case when you scan them all and keep them in servers. All you have to then do is type in the search bars for what you need and within seconds it is presented to you.
3. Microfilms can degrade over time, but images that have been digitalised wont
4. Physical images that have been digitalised wont be lost in transition, unlike what could happen when microfilms are stored and couriered physically
5. With less paper and other resources for storing needs being used, your company now can proudly claim itself as an eco-friendly venture.
Factors to consider while planning the scans
One should ponder on a lot of points when planning the scans. To begin with, one should have the right equipment and software in place, should you decide to go DIY with the scanning. Even if you outsource it, the service providers around should be checked for the quality of equipment they use, their legitimacy and the quality of deliverables as well. Outsourcing the job for the same actually helps in more ways than one, for example;
1. It’s cheaper to outsource, since the equipment for scanning microfilms don’t come cheap
2. Steep are the learning curved for software and equipment knowledge
3. Time is saved while the scanning is on; outsourcing helps cut down on time and costs at the same time.
4. Bulk assignments can be done overnight, since the service providers work round the clock.
5. Quality assurance is always guaranteed
6. Data entry and indexing of every document is possible.
Considerations to make
Now that you have decided on getting all the scans done, one should look into the following aspects too;
1. The experience of the service providers for the past decade or so
2. The capacity of them delivering on time
3. The quality of deliverables
4. Image toning, bi-tonal or grayscale
5. Retrieval options given
We hope you now know why scanning all your important documents, files and folders from physical to digital versions is so important.
Storing and managing documents of major importance can be a herculean task to achieve and maintain for longer periods. That’s why companies these days are looking for cost-effective solutions, where they wouldn’t have to buy more physical storage space and yet keep all they need.

Microfilm scanning services is one of the best ways to maintain all those old files and records, says Andrea Arathoon. It saves space, allows work continuity and is very cost effective along with being eco-friendly too.