Why Should You Start Blogging?

The blogging world is a strange one. You are spending hours every week writing up blog posts which, usually, bring you back little financial return – the ad revenue that is generated from blogs is miniscule when compared to the national minimum wage of just over $7 per hour.

However exactly the same principle can be applied to open source programmers, or those who spend hours on forums giving out technical and other advice to users. What is the motivation for someone who blogs? How and why should you start to blog? These are just two of the questions that lots of people ask on a regular basis, and so here are my answers to such questions.

SEE ALSO: 6 Ultimate Blogging Tools You Should Use

You can be heard
Well, metaphorically heard. Some people find that they don’t really have a voice in mainstream society: they might be politically apathetic, in a low-paying job or just socially excluded. The online world, while sometimes hostile to newcomers, is remarkably accepting of people’s views on the whole. Some people choose to create a blog so that they can have a voice and join in the national, or international, debate on topics which interest them. A generic blog about someone’s life might not have the same effect as lobbying a member of your local state legislature, but it might have a different effect on users who happen to come across your opinions. Never underestimate the power of social media and blog websites.

It’s a real hobby
When you think of a hobby you probably think of fishing or playing tennis or painting or jogging. However blogging is just as much as legitimate hobby as sports and pastimes that exist off of the internet. The reason that using a blog as a hobby has become so popular is that you can write about anything that takes your fancy, with the chance of earning bit of spare cash on the side. If you love to bake, create a baking blog. If you are interested in the latest sports developments, start a sports blog. Whatever it is you enjoy doing, you will find people willing to read your blog about that topic!

You can practice writing
Do you have plans to write a novel? Poetry? A short story? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or if you simply enjoy writing, starting a blog can be a really great idea. The better you are at writing, the more likely you are to get published. How do you get better at writing? Just as your mom used to tell you, it’s all about practice. You can even use your blog to document how you’re progressing and getting better at writing. Think about joining a forum where other online bloggers are, so that they can help you with your writing style. You might find that you struggle to find topics to write about, but the best advice is that you just need to work through it and carry on.

Support a cause
Politics and the internet have a very strong relationship. Ever since Obama utilized the internet with his 2008 Presidential Election campaign, the internet has been a battleground for politicians all over the country. You can use your blog to support a cause or a political campaign extremely effectively. You might not want to campaign door-to-door for votes for your local Congressman, but you might find that you are happy to post comments on blogs or create your own blog in their support. What makes blogs even better than face-to-face campaigning is that you can do it as infrequently as you choose, and there’s no risk that you’ll have a door slammed in your face!

Let your feelings out
A great cathartic feeling can come from writing about your feelings in blog-form. It’s a lot cheaper and more convenient than going to a therapist, and you can get some really great advice from your readers. Rather than having to store up your feelings and anger in your real life, blogs offer the chance to just let it all out and express how you really feel to people who you don’t know.

While blogs aren’t always viable options to replace therapists, and you might struggle to feel comfortable unleashing your feelings, it is a good way to become happier in your life without risking exploding at people you care about. Of course you’ll want to change their names, and never reveal private information, but you shouldn’t underestimate how great having a moan and a rant online can feel. Give it a shot next time you’re stressed and want someone to moan to – the internet will always be there to offer an ear to listen.

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About the Author:

Korah Morrison, working for College-Paper.org – the best student’s helper, and love to write for great blogging sites like CybeRockk.com.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


  1. Yes Chris, blogging is a great ways of expressing your thoughts with the world and it also gives you a chance to show your talent with the word just by sitting in your room with a cup of coffee. Personally i like it very much because i am always free with my work and can make a decent income from it.


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