7 Secrets On How To Get Your Guest Post Published

Guest posts can be an effective way to boost the search engine optimization of your website or blog, help you to network and build a relationship with famous bloggers, and showcase your product or services to a large audience. Here are 7 secrets on how to get your guest post published.

SEE ALSO: The Blue Print For A Good Blog Post

7 Secrets On How To Get Your Guest Post Published
Image Credit: israel21c

1. Choose a blog that you want to write a post for:
Instead of writing a great guest post and then deciding on the best blog to submit it to, find the blog first, as this can influence your style of writing and the choice of topic. Choose a blog with a large captive audience, one with a demographic similar to the goods and services you are trying to advertise. When searching for the right blog to submit content to, you will notice that the length of posts will vary, and the style of writing may be niche or specific to the content of the blog. Create a shortlist of the blogs that you want to write for and do some research on the type of audience that is reading them, paying close attention to the style of writing and the content posted.

2. Follow the blog’s guidelines for writing a guest post:
Several of the larger blogs will have guidelines in place for guest posting, especially when it comes to formatting and the word length of the post. Read these guidelines carefully, as not to risk your guest post being deleted, or even worse, your account being suspended. You may need to submit your finished guest post to a journalist or blogger who will have to grant approval of the content before it is posted on the website or blog. Make sure you send your post to the correct person and pay attention to any style guide which lists the requirements of posting content.

3. Incorporate a link to your own blog in your guest post:
Placing a link into the body of the text in your guest post can attract the readers of the blog to your own website or blog, and can prove to be an effective promotional tool, especially if your audience is a similar one to that of the blog you are posting on. Always read the guidelines first before placing a link into the body of a guest post as this could increase the chances of the post being rejected by the website’s administrators if this practice is not permitted.

4. Do your research:
You will want your guest post to fit in and look natural, so ensure that you do your research and read through previous guest posts, taking note of the style and tone of the writing, and who the post was written for. Try and find any similar features in these posts, such as a particular type of writing, or any “in-jokes” or memes which will be understood by the audience of the blog.

SEE ALSO: How To Attract New Visitors Through Guest Post

5. Contact the website’s administrators:
You may need to write a covering email along with your guest post, where you will briefly explain who you are, the purpose of your guest post, and your intentions for posting it on the blog. Keep it concise and easy-to-read. Remember that popular blogs may receive hundreds of similar emails every week and you will need to provide a convincing argument as to why your guest post should be featured on the blog. If you want to include a link to your external blog or website within the guest post, ask for permission beforehand. You may even want to ask the website’s administrators for any feedback on the content of your post, allowing you to edit it accordingly to increase its chances of approval.

6. Take time editing your guest post:
Ensure that your post is well written, and includes formatting (when allowed) in order to emphasize key points or the message you want to convey. For example, use bold lettering and an italicized font in order to highlight a particular point. Proof-read your content to make sure it doesn’t contain any spelling or grammatical errors. You may find it beneficial to run your guest post through a free online spell checker, and then edit the post accordingly if there are mistakes. Consider reading the post to friends or family and then ask for improvements to the article or general feedback.

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 Robert Bryant
About the Author:

Robert Bryant is a blogger and works with Dover Downs – . He likes blogging about online strategies that are related to Social Media, Online Marketing and Legal issues.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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