Latest Key Trends in Mobile Apps for Children

With the overwhelming world of apps, parents are less hesitant about handing over their tablets and smartphones to their kid. And this is why mobile developers are taking advantage of the trend in terms of designing more mobile apps targeted especially to toddlers. In present days of increased technology advancement and sophistication, contemporary market offers thousands of children apps out there to pick the best. Whether you want to read a great interactive story or teach your preschooler the ABCs, yes, there is an application for that.

From the time kids can hold an object in his or her hands, kids are reaching for electronic gadgets of all kinds—specifically tablets and smart-phones. The early adoption of mobile is growing each year as evidenced by current mobile application development platform.

Current Growth in Mobile App Market
• In U.S. 30% of children (within 2 to 5 years) already know how to operate a tablet computer or  smart-phone
• 19% of elementary school children are smart-phone users
• 61% are expert in basic computer gaming
• 56% of high school teens are using mobiles
• 42% of middle school students have such gadgets

Android devices are very easy to use, as children learn early how to scroll and swipe. Hence, many cellphone apps are now targeting children. Modern designers nowadays are gearing their efforts in a balanced manner as app development strategy includes various domains like games for fun, art & music, math and puzzles, and character based applications. There are a myriad of mobile targeting games for children. As app market thinks dynamically, the agencies remember that mobile is a channel for kids of all ages.

SEE ALSO: Appy House: 10 Apps That Every Household Needs

Learning Through Exploration
So, what you should consider is whether it’s really needed to make the most of digital technology for learning and development of children. It is extremely significant for them to live in a world where the transition between virtual and real world is more purposeful.

With regard to primary learning and early years of children, the screen is a constraining factor. The world has so much for them to explore and for this reason app-cessories have great value. Thus, they will be able to imagine the real and virtual world together when it comes to learning and discovering new things. App developers and educators have started exploring how mobile devices can facilitate engagement in the world beyond the screen.

These portable devices have all real-world tools including GPS, cameras and gyroscopes. Demonstrating the ability to design apps which ask children to find and explore the world is of course great as it helps in learning through exploration. And till date this great trend has been undiscovered mostly.

So far as the business-related trends are concerned, most of the apps for toddlers sink without any trace in the app stores, irrespective of whether the Windows and Android platforms can pay off for developers, or the role played by mobile websites and HTML5. Given the popularity of some of the mobile-first brands for children, apparently it may seem that children mostly use gaming applications. However, more than half also use tablets for learning purposes as well.

So what you think? just leave your comments below.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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