How to Get Exposure with and How it Can Drive Lots of Traffic to Your Blog

Advertisement is a very popular content sharing and social network website with a Page Rank 7. Where you can easily share your content and it will help you to drive lots traffic to your site. can drive a lot more traffic to your website or blog. But you have to know the main key features of this site.

There is a best thing about Scoop, which I think really help you to kick your post up. You can actually share your content just by creating your free account on Scoop. But there are some other good ways you can share your post with the most popular communities on Scoop, so your content can get better exposure on Scoop and can drive more traffic to your website.

Get Exposure with and How it Can Drive Lots of Traffic

Just follow the steps below and you will know how it works.
1- Go to and create your free account if you didn’t have created one already.
2- Now go to home and create a new topic. Remember: you can’t create more than 2 topics with your FREE account, if you want to create more than 2 then you will have upgrade your account to Pro which will cost you about $12/month.

Enter all your topic details that, what is your topic is all about, see the image above, after putting your topic name, language, and keywords just click create a topic. 
Now your first topic is created and you can now start sharing your content on your topic. To share a new scoop or content just head over to New Scoop option on top right side and click New Scoop. Now enter the URL of your post which you want to share and then click on the green button, next add you can description and click Publish that’s it. 
This is the regular ways you can share your post on Here is a second ways you can use to share and get more exposure to your content.
Head over to search and enter the topic to search for the other curators similar to your content and topic that you are going to share.
Now hover your mouse over any topic and look for the topics which has the maximum number of views as shown in the image above and then follow that topic by clicking on the follow button. You can follow few more such popular topics similar and related to your content.

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Now its time to create a new scoop again with a new way. Click on the New Scoop button to add a new scoop now enter the URL of your blog post as you have done above but this time you don’t have to publish it in your own topic. It will ask you that, where you want to post your content? now just below the URL you will see an option like, Add this scoop to: now click that option and select any other topic that you followed before and then click Suggest.
After this, it will send a suggestion to that curator, and if they will find that your suggestion is really good and can be publish on there page then they will publish your content on their page and this will surely get your content more exposure and will drive more traffic to your blog.

SEE ALSO: How To Boost The Number Of Your Blog Subscribers Quickly

There are lots more ways you can use these type of social media sites to get more exposure and drive more traffic to your blog, By using above method your content can surely get more better exposure and help you to drive more traffic tom your blog. 
If you haven’t yet used for your blog then just give it try and see how it can help you get more exposure to your blog online. 
Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:

This article is contributed by Alexander Weary and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.



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