How to Share Files Using Team Viewer With Other Computers Wirelessly

Are you looking for a way that can help you to share your files with other computers easily? Well if this is something you are looking for then this post would really help you to solve your problem for sharing your files over two or more different computers wirelessly.

How to Share Files Using Team Viewer
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There is great program called Team Viewer, and I know that, there are so many of you have already have heard about it or you might have been using this on your computer but, there so many people who may have not used this before, so here I decided to tell about this, that how you can share files using team viewer over two or more different computers.

Team viewer is a really great tool which allow users to connect with other computers wirelessly. You can connect with any computers using team viewer and you can control and access others computer wirelessly.
Team viewer also allow users to share their files with any other computers wirelessly. To know how it works just follow the post below.

1-    First you have to download the latest version of team viewer on your pc, and make sure that your partner is also using the latest version.
2-    After downloading and installing the team viewer open it
3-    Now on the opening window put the partner id and select the File Transfer option
4-    Now enter the Partner Password and click Connect to partner.

To get the partner ID you have to ask your partner to tell his or her team viewer Partner ID and password.

SEE ALSO: How Can You Optimize The Use Of File Sharing Programs?

Now you will get file transfer window with both partners computer drives. Now select the file you want to share with the partners computer and open partners destination folder where you want to transfer your file, now pic and drag the file to the destination folder by leaving the mouse button.

That’s it, this way you can share and transfer any files and folders with any other computers very easily.
and you need to go anywhere carrying your laptop and hard drive to share and transfer your files to your friends computer.

Feel free to leave your comments below is you have anything to share or ask.

Rizwan Ahmad
About the Author:

This article is written and posted by Rizwan Ahmad Author and founder of, He is a tech blogger from India and he loves to share his thoughts by writing articles on this site to the different topics related to technology world,

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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