3 Ways to Drive Massive Traffic to your Business Using Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go the latest mobile game which created huge sensation in around the world with its grand entry, nearly 21 million people have downloaded it just in a week, so the inexorable resurgence of the prevalent game was not only converging but turned into an instant success. Besides entertainment, it’s now on its way to generate huge business and assist marketers to get benefited from this phenomenon.You could surprise how just a mobile game application can assist a business to enhance sales, but as the game is built geographically, there are a number of possible ways that assist marketers to fascinate local payers to your own location and optimistically renovate them into paying customers.

What is really behind the Pokemon Go Craze?
“Pokemon Go” has introduced augmented reality (AR) mobile game into the public eye in an extraordinary manner, this technology has far more to offer business persons than the outlook of becoming a Pokemon master.

In general, AR offers businesses an exuberance of opportunities in order to boost day to day commercial operations. Even if it’s showcasing products or hosting’s meetings. This emerging technology clutches latent promises for titivating the exact way we think about business undertakings.

What is Augmented reality?
AR is discrete from the virtual reality which offers operators graphical improvements to their physical, real environment, rather than generating a completely new environment. Specialists envisage a bang of creative users as the present technology grow turns to be global.

So this is one of the versatile technology which created a huge buzz with launching the of “Pokémon Go”, and surely it could advance ion future to drastically change the mode individuals think about doing business.

Here’s a quick look at how this versatile technology is currently used, and how it could evolve in the future to radically change the way people think about doing business.

How businesses can use Pokemon GO! to generate sales and traffic? Incorporate with a PokeStop:
Pokestop is a particular place where one can clip their Pokémon which is similar to shooting fish in a but for the Pokemon Trainers. Some of the establishments such as restaurants, parks, churches, and museums are already well known as poker stops.

So in order to boost your potential captures and pokemon presence immediately, you can simply avail the option to trigger lure module at any of these pokestops. Lure module helps you to attract Pokémon to a particular spot for 25 to 30 minutes.

Purchase a lure module so that the digital monsters will wonder to the module where it is located. By activating Lure at the at Pokestop which is near to your business place will certainly attract anyone in the city who are ready to catch these eye-catchy buggers, and trust me, many people are eagerly looking.

This module can be active for 30 minutes. Try to consider one at a slower visitor time or perhaps a busier period for the nearby business. For instance, if you are the whole shop which is near to restaurants, then activating the lure module at dinner or lunchtime may truly drive traffic at your doors. You should also join with other Pokémon trainers, and offer small prizes for those who are having Pikachu.

Gym battle tournaments
Maybe your business is much closer to Pokemon gym rather than a Pike stop. Here there is another alternative way that assists you to galvanize players to come visit your business.

Announce that you are about host tournament in advance, possibly even offering certain discounts to the gym battle winners. So on the game day, those players who become the gym leaders successfully will be authorized to that particular discount.

This is not only an ideal way to strap those powerful Pokémon Go competitions to your business but in order to hold gym teams need various members to shield it. So while providing discounts to the particular gym leaders, their team members will be along with them, probably as full paying consumers.

“Pokemon Go” Social Media Deals
You can also use Pokémon Go to enhance your visibility on the social media. Provide your customers few dollars off to have Pokémon screenshot in your restaurant or store and then simply post it in the social media tagged with your business.

They may simply lose few dollars but it blowouts your brand through online. It will also display other adjoining players the number of exotic and rare swarming in and around your establishment which may boost them to visit again and may spend some more dollars on their own.

Some key Strategies for Retailers:
The below are the 4 significant steps that are to be followed by retailers

– Find the Pokestops which are near to your business place

– Buy lures.

– If you are not having Pokestop, search for regular pokemon that is near to your business place.

– Invite trainer and offer accommodations.

– What Not to Do with Pokemon Go

Whatever you do, don’t trash clients. While nobody ought to diminish your clients’ experience and the climate, don’t ridicule your potential customers for taking an interest in something they cherish. Grasp it and figure out how to address it. Recall that: you draw in more flies with nectar, not vinegar.

Future of “Pokémon Go”
The gossip grinder is twirling about the future “Pokémon Go” upgrades that will permit coaches to exchange things and Pokémon. On the off chance that and when these upgrades come, these new and latest features will open new entryways for businesses to tackle the monstrous advance of this increased reality wonder.

What’s more, if more AR-based games end up being as mainstream as “Pokémon Go,” organizations may have an altogether new promoting methodology available to them; fortunately, these methodologies cost essentially nothing to utilize.

Final Word:
So, businesses can widely integrate their business ideas with the AR games alike Pokémon Go. In general, games based on treasure hunting are not new to the market but the thing is uptake and execution of app. So it time for you to take advantage of crazy games like Pokémon go to advance your business.

About Author:

Sumit Ghosh is the CEO of Socioboard Technologies and the marketing Head of Socioboard. Where he’s responsible for the overall marketing strategy of SocioBoard, including product marketing, positioning, demand generation and online marketing. Socioboard’s new approach to open-source social media management is changing how Social Media Marketing companies, digital agencies, corporations and web/broadcast media across the world thinks about Socioboard.

Rizwan Ahmad
Rizwan Ahmad

Rizwan is an avid mobile geek and a gaming lover. He loves to keep a tab on new tech and loves to share the latest tech news and reviews on Smartphones, Gadgets, Apps, and more.


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